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"Roll number A1240, next" My roll number have been called for the interview exam when  all the students are waiting for their calls inside common room.

" its me!!" I quickly raised my hand submiting my presence to the peon and got up with my assignments, certificates,exam results which i received yesterday and I am extremely satisfied and happy that I again topped the whole BBA final year batch with the CGPA 3.502 out of 4.

I stood infront of the door  gathering the much needed confidence and cqlming my self, huffing long breath where at least five world reowned business faces sitting across the door waiting for me to check my abilities.

After collecting and composing myself I pushed open the door to see six famous and well experienced  businessmen in their perfectly tailored suits smiling at me. One of them is my father who showed me thumbs up winking;and the other one is Manik's father who also smiled at me and two are extremly gorgeous but elderly women.

I again felt a little nervous seeing half dozen intimidating faces staring at me expectantly. My father already offered me a powerful position in his comapny and asked me to not waste my time on interview but I told him, I want to test myself and i always cant hide behind him. He agreed with a proud look on his face.

"Good Afternoon respected Sir and Ma'am!!" I plastered a formal yet confident smile on my face before approaching them for a formal handshake and they all have a pleased look on yheir faces mumbling "good luck" to me and I handed my paper stuff to them before taking step back.

"Take a seat there Miss Murthy." A partially bald Mr Saxena stated pointing the single chair across their table in his business tone looking intimidating and actually sitting beside left to my father fixng his rimmed glasses on his nose. He seems in his late fifties, his face expression nothing gives away except business and only business.

His automobile comapny has a big name in business world.People says he is the most hardest person to please and it is next to impossible to fool him. So now when he asked me and the way he took me under his scrutinizing gaze with his experienced filled eyes. And I felt that nerve wracking nervousness again but I never let it overpower my demeanor   because I know he always chose the best and he wont go less hard on me.

''are you ready?'' the elegant looking woman whose name is Reeta Mukherjee  in her crème saree smiled at me who is actually sitting on the second chair from my right. And I quickly nodded my head realizing she must be nice because she tried to make me comfortable by her smile. She owned a fashion house, her brands designs are world wide famous and her fashion weeks always counted as one of the best.

''Yes I am!! proceed please.'' I stated with a formal smile trying to show my confidence again.

''tell us something about yourself?'' one of the other intimidating man asked clasping his hand on table leaning further who is sitting just beside Mr. Saxena and he is also in his fifties and his name his P.D Raheja. He owns world's one of the largest leather industry.

''Well!! I always been a topper and winner since very childhood. No offence , but it is based on my true experiences. I am great in physical works or field work. And I have so many professional degrees, certificates and talents which you actually can see in that portfolio.  '' I answered confidently without stuttering and pointed at my portfolio on the desk.

''What are your strength or weekness?'' the another elegant woman sitting on the last left chair asked. Her name is Divya Nanda, home ministers wife but she has her own well known business of fabrics and threads.

''well I will talk about my weakness first yeah-

I trust people so easily and blindly.

most of the time I don't think  before act.

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