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Mr  Murthy walked inside his extravagant mansion looking exhausted and tired but a warm smile embellishing his face. He popped open his coat's first button before sitting on the couch.  A maid offered him the glass of water.

''So, is Ashka home yet?'' he asked while taking the glass of water from his maid.

''Yes master, madam is in her room to change. She just reached 10 mins ago.''she informed and he nodded in response. ''anything else master?'' she asked but he shook his head dismissing her and waited patiently for his wife. Its 6:30 pm Nandini and Navya also must be home by now and might be resting in their rooms, he thought and sighed.

After few mins Ashka walk down from stairs and  Mr Murthy's eyes fall in the direction at the same moment and his eyes sparked with love and admiration for his beautiful wife who still look just like the first time he saw her in their college days even after thirty five years of their marriage. He felt more love for his wife whenever their daughter make him a proud father, just like today after his younger daughter Nandini interview, his heart swelled with pride when he heard those hard to impress businessmen appreciating his daughter.

''Good evening!'' Ashka greeted her husband kissing his cheeks tenderly and he did the same with her and patted the next space beside him for her to sit.

''so, how was your day and interview with the kids?''she asked randomly for a conversation.

''It was great and our princess was phenomenal in today's interview.'' his eyes shined brightly with pride and enthusiasm and he told her everything in detail.

''Really?'' ashka asked excitedly and a big proud smile embellishing her face.

''yeah, so our daughters are home?'' he asked.

''yeah, I saw Navya when I reached here but don't know where is your princess yet?'' she shrugged.

''May be partying with her friends.''

''Yeah, you are right but she always get home until dinner.''Ashka frowned thoughtfully '' and if she stays out for long she always informed us.'' 

''Don't worry, its still twenty mins for dinner.'' Mr Murthy coaxed his worried wife.

''hmmm..if you say so.''


Mr and Mrs Murthy joined dinner table on dinner time and soon after five minutes Navya too joined them and greeted them. They waited for Nandini more ten minutes before starting their dinner but there was no sign of her and then it started to worry them more. Mr Murthy tried to relax his worried wife but deep down he also was restless because their daughter never shown this kind of carelessness. She usually never stays out too late and came home before dinner time but if she skips dinner ; she makes sure to inform them .

''God! Where is she?'' Mrs Murthy rubbed her face in worry. ''she never done something like this.''

''Yeah dad! Mom is right. Nandini never stays out late and if she does it always with Manik or Mukti, Alya, Abhi and Dhruv.''

''Okay..okay! I know she must be fine but for you both I am calling her.'' Mr Murthy took out his phone and dialed her but they heard her phone ringing in the house from upstairs. They looked in the sounds direction and realized the sound coming from there and Mr Murthy cutted the phone quickly with a relieved smile.'' Look! she is upstairs in her room, I think she is still sleeping. '' he chuckled shaking his head ''Navi go and call her.'' He asked Navya and she nods her head with a smile before going upstairs to call wake her sister up.

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