Chapter 4: Begin Again

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Karin's Point of View

After what had happened a few days ago, I thought really hard about it. So I had finally came to a conclusion, I decided to meet up with Ai to tell him about my decision. I slowly approached his room that he shared with Syo and Shinomiya san. Before I even had the chance to knock on the door, it gave way. "Rin chan! Nice to see you!", Shinomiya san said. "Yeah, it's nice to see you too, Shinomiya san.", I replied. He then gave me a big smile, before proceeding to give me a hug. "Waitttttt! Slow down, Natsuki! You're going kill her in that death hug of yours!", a familiar loud resounded from behind Shinomiya san. "Oh, Syo kun! Nice to see you.", I said to the strawberry blonded. "Nice to see you too, Karin.", Syo replied as began to pull Natsuki away. "Is Ai in here by any chance?", I asked the two childhood friends. "Ai? He is in the room. Well, I guess. We'll see you later.", he replied as he took off with Shinomiya san. "...", I just smiled at them. And then turned back towards the door, but was surprised by Ai who was standing there. I wouldn't be surprised with all those commotion/ruckus going on outside. "!? Ai, you nearly gave me a heart attack.", I told him. "You weren't paying attention, it was not my fault.", Ai said with totally no sense of humor. I playfully pouted. "Anyways, I heard that you were looking for me. Did you need something?", he asked completely ignoring my pouting. "About that day when we went to the park, remember when you said that I could start anew.", I began. He nodded, asking me to continue. "Well.. I thought hard about it, this past few days. So I finally came to a conclusion.", I continued. I took a deep breath, "I want to continue pursuing my dreams, no matter how hard it may be.", I announced. Ai stood there, shock by my answer but then gave me a small smile of approval. "I'm glad that you had finally came to a conclusion. May I wish the best of luck.", he pointed out. "Thanks.", I replied.

The both of us just stood there for a few minutes, staring at eachother smiling before turning away, avoiding eachother in slight embarrassment. "Karin.", Ai called out after we had calmed down. "Hm..", I turned to look at him. "I had been meaning to ask you, would you like to go out with me, tomorrow?", he asked. "Ok, I will.", I gladly accepted. "Then, I will meet you at your room. Get ready by 7pm.", he announced. I gave him a nod.

A Beautiful, Endless Love/ Pain (Mikaze Ai x OC) An Utapri Fanfic Book 1Where stories live. Discover now