Chapter 9: Uncertain Feelings

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Ai's Point of View

There was just something that I don't really get it. After spending a year with Karin by my side, I developed a strange feeling deep in my chest. It just pops out whenever I'm near her. Well, I mean she's starting to become very open to all of us. And I'm happy that she did. I did a lot of research base on how I was feeling around Karin. According to my data, there was no such word, called 'Love'. Technically, I told Reiji about it and he told me that it was love.

But after I researched on it, I realized that it was true. Whenever I'm around her, my chest tightened and my heart beats faster than usual. I wonder how does Karin feels about me? 'Same way or different?', I thought to myself. All this thinking is driving me insane. Might as well avoid her as much as possible for now, and then find a chance to tell her how I feel.

Karin's Point of View

Oh goddess! What's going on with me? Everytime when I was with Ai, I felt as if I'm going to have a heartattack at any moment. The thing was, after spending a year living in the Master Course Dorm, at Shining Entertainment, I began to love the place. I met lots of good friends like Starish and Quartet Night, other than Ai and Rei chan of course. Ai had been there for me ever since I started living with them. Rei chan, well.. Rei chan had always been a big brother figure to me ever since we were young, although he was 3 years older than me. He could be my young father by now.

I grew to like this place because of Ai. Well, actually Everything was because of Ai >\\\\\<! Truth to be told, I actually began to have a crush on him. More like, fallen in love with him. Not because of his voice, nor his talent as an idol. But for who he was. He showed me the real him throughout the days that we spent together and it made me to be my real self around not just him, with everyone else. I'll let you in on a little secret, Rei chan had been acting weirdly for this past few days. I wonder whats wrong with him. But I also have a much better problem to think about. And that is Ai! 'He loves me. He loves me not.', that plan and thought had been lingering in my mind for a few days already. Argh! Someone, please help me! T^T! After a while of thinking, I proceeded to seek advice from Rei chan.

Reiji's Point of View

I can't believe what I had heard from Ai Ai, a few days ago. 'He loves Rin chan?', I thought to myself. I ship them! From the very start in the first place! I am actually, very tempted to tell Rin chan about it but I promised to keep this a secret for Ai Ai! So I will just let those two love birds deal with this themselves! Rin chan, came to visit to me just now, asking about the same thing. Guess what I told her? 'Don't Confess Yet!' Nice answer, right? I want Ai Ai to say it first before she does. That way it's more fun to tease them, and reveal that I knew about it all along! Well, Ai Ai asked me to that. Might as well go along with it.

A Beautiful, Endless Love/ Pain (Mikaze Ai x OC) An Utapri Fanfic Book 1Where stories live. Discover now