Chapter 10: The Confession

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Normal Point of View

After months of gaining courage, Ai decided to confess. As for Karin, she didn't knew that a little surprise was coming to her in a few days. At the time when, they were avoiding eachother, misunderstandings happened along the two young couples way. But they quickly got settled, when Reiji decided to step in and cleared the misunderstanding.

16 November 2016 (Karin's Birthday)

Today, was Karin's birthday and everyone wanted to make this years birthday party, a wonderful one. Ai's birthday party, along with the others were perfect. But only Ai's was specially planned out by Karin. He was very grateful for her actions, and appreciated it. So today's party, was planned out by our one and only Ai Mikaze. "Ai Ai, what are you planning to give her?", Reiji smirked mischievously. On the bright sight, Ai was happy that everyone had supported him throughout his struggles on his mission, even Shining gave him his blessings. Though the 'No Love Rule' was only put down for him. But on the down side, Reiji decided to tell everyone about his secret. He sweared that one day, he would terrorize Reiji, the same way that he did to him.

"I'm not telling you.", he replied. "Aww~ Come on, Ai Ai! Pretty please?", Reiji started to become a nuisance to everyone else.  "Oh, shut up! Will you!", Ranmaru growled. "I wouldn't want to alert the lady, if she had returned, if I were you.", Camus said. "Oh, yeah!", Reiji exclaimed. "Um, guys. We might want to speed things up a bit, Nanami, Tomo chan and Karin san might return soon.", Otoya reminded.

Meanwhile, in the city.

Haruka's Point of View

"Haruka, how do you think the guys are holding up?", Tomo chan whispered. "I'm not really sure about that though.", I whispered as I sweatdropped. "Haruka, Shibuya san! Is there anything else you want to do now?", Hirogane san asked. "What do you want to do, Rin?", Tomo chan asked. Well, as you can see. Ever since, the day at Karin's performance, Tomo chan and Hirogane san had became the best of friends, along with the others and of course, myself. "Hmm.. How about a stop at the nearby café? The one we when last week?", Hirogane san suggested. "Oh, that café! Let's go there!", Tomo chan agreed. I giggled at my two best friends. Both of them just gave me a weird look before heading to find the café. I was about to follow them, when my cell phone rang. "Haruka, hurry up!"  Tomo chan called out to me. "Just a minute, the boys just gave me a call."  I told her. "Alright then, be careful not to get lost! We'll be waiting!", Hirogane san agreed. Tomo chan gave me her signature smile, telling me that she will keep an eye on Hirogane san if she wants to go back. "Okay!", I replied before picking up the call.

The Phone Call:

Me: Hello?

Ittoki kun: Oh, Nanami!

Me: How are things back at the Master Course?

Ittoki kun: We're all doing fine! Actually, we had finished with the preparations. So we're wondering, if you girls are coming back soon?

Me: Oh, that's great news! We're coming back soon! I'll tell the others.

Ittoki kun: Take your time, no need to rush! Bye!

Me: Bye!

: End of phone call.

I was about to go and look for those two when they came back. "There was no space, so we should just head back.", Hirogane san said grimly. "It's okay, there is always an another time!", Tomo chan said to cheer her up. She nodded. Then Tomo chan turned to me and whispered, "The boys are done already right?". "Yup, they sure are.", I whispered delightly back. "Come on, girls! Let's head back.", she said as she started dragging both of us back.

Back at the Master Course Dorms

Ai's Point of View

Otoya told us that the girls will be coming back soon. I smiled to myself as I looked around the living room. Streamers and balloons were placed neatly on the walls, banners with the words, 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KARIN!!!', were hanged on the ceiling. Last but not at least, the surprised present that i had prepared and planned out for her. My hands touched against my chest, trying to calm my anxious beating heart. "Okay, everyone! They are back already, now hide!", Reiji whispered shouted. Everyone could hear the mumblings of the girls along the hallways, and got into their hiding position.

Tsukimiya san, Hyuga san and Shining were outside welcoming them back. Finally the moment had arrived, as the door opened and the lights switched on, everyone jumped out of their hiding place, shouting, "Happy Birthday, Rin/Karin/Hirogane san/chan!". Shibuya and Haruka did too, along with our juniors former teachers and Shining. Confettis were shot out everywhere. "T..thank you! Everyone! I didn't expected you to remember?!", she said surprised. "Well, we did do the same thing one last year.", Masato confirmed. "So, how could we not remember?!", Otoya added. After eating, all of us gave her our gifts.

The Gifts:
Otoya & Ranmaru: Her very own guitar( a bass) (knowing that she loves playing it.
Tokiya: A guide book on helping to recover projection of voice after long time breaks
Reiji: A beach hat
Masato: A cook book on Japanese Cuisine
Ren: A bouquet
Syo: A fedora
Natsuki: An apron (a cute one indeed)
Cecil & Camus: A Tea Set
Tsukimiya & Hyuga san: A pair of high heel footwear and dress
Shining: Her very own MP3 Player with our songs inside it
Last but not at least, me: a special suprise.

All of the others, just gave the both of us and mischievous smirk before leaving the two of us alone. "But I want to see what happens?!", Reiji exclaimed. Despite all the struggles, the other boys just dragged him away. A moment of awkward silence engulfed us. "Is there something you want to tell me or give me?", Karin asked shyly. I could that she was nervous as I am, from the glint in her multi-coloured eyes. I took a deep breath before opening my mouth to confess. "Karin, i..", I started before leading her to the balcony. She looked at me in the eye, face flushed red in embarrassment. "I lik-,no. From the day I met you, a lot of things had changed from my life. Staying by your side, made me feel like I have this responsibility of protecting at all cost. The days that I had spent with you, were very precious to me, in my entire life that I had spent in this world. So I would like to ask..", I paused for a moment. And continued calmly, "I love you, Karin Hirogane. Will you be willing to start the next stage of your life with me?". "I-i don't know what to say?", she said as her blush darkened and eyes darkened. Little did we know, the others were quietly watching things unfold from behind the doors.

"I-it's okay, if you don-", I was cut off by her putting a finger against my lips. When she finally looked back up at me, but with tears brimming at the corners of her eyes. Tears flowed down freely to her cheeks as she gave me the most sweetest and prettiest smile, I had ever seen. Those tears were tears of joy. "Ai, I feel the same way.", she revealed her answer. My eyes widened, she actually accepted me. I wrapped my arms around her waist tightly, never letting her go. She dried her eyes before continuing. "Even if you may be an android, I will still love you no matter what. That's because I chose to stay with you.", she stated. "Thank you, for loving me.", I thanked her gratefully. That smile, will always be etched in my memory and I would protect it as it's the key to our happiness. And the two of us, wrapped into eachothers embrace, gave ourselves a beautiful, passionate kiss.

I will never stop loving you, until the day the both of us die.

A Beautiful, Endless Love/ Pain (Mikaze Ai x OC) An Utapri Fanfic Book 1Where stories live. Discover now