Chapter 5: Stay By Your Side

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Normal Point of View

That evening, the next day, Karin began to prepare for her unexpected 'date'. Though no matter how many times, she tried to avoid thinking weirdly. She just couldn't seem to get her suspicion out of her mind. 'Does he like me? Or maybe it's just another outing, like those friendly ones?', poor Karin just couldn't get it out of her mind. After she had gotten ready, she sat by her bed, waiting for her partner to arrive.

'knock! Knock!'. "Coming!", she said as she went to get her bag and headed for the door.

At Tokyo, Shinjuku District

"You look great today.". "Th-thanks, you too.". "According to my data, complimentary can sometimes cause people to get embarrass.". "You really don't have any sense of humor, you know. Ai kun~". "…". "Please, no honorifics.". "Pfttttt! *giggles *", were what they said as they went along. As they strolled through the city, a distant familiar fangirling voice could be heard. "Did you heard that?", Karin asked. Ai nodded his head. "I thought we had chased away most of the fan girls?", she asked in curiousity. Suddenly, he held her close. "Ai-!?", she exclaimed. "Shh..", he whispered. The warmth of his body, made her blush at how close she was to him. "Arah~~! Ai sama~!", the cry came out again. Karin gagged at the pitch of the cry. 'Wait.. No, it can't be?!', she thought as her eyes widened. She began to cringe at the thought, and hugged Ai tighter than before. He was shocked and surprised by her action and the sudden trembling. "Karin, are you okay?", he whispered. She shook her head. "?! Ai samaaaaa~~", he sweat dropped but remained calm. And that lady, which was Karin's worst enemy, Katsumi Mari, fangirled towards Ai. "Ai sama, who is this woman? Your girlfriend? She looks so underclass, you should date with me!", Mari said in disgust.

That was the last straw, Karin couldn't take it anymore. "His NOT my boyfriend! Don't you go around calling other people weak! They may be inferior to you, but that doesn't give you the right to criticize them!", she bellowed under her breath. "Oh my, why does it have to be this slut! Get out of here, you don't belong to anybody!", Mari snorted. "You WANT the reason, to how I beat you in the singing competition back then. Then I tell you, right in your face! I inherited my singing talent from my mother, Mizuki Kaede. My mother taught me how to sing well, and inherited her skill.", Karin pointed out. "Mizuki Kaede?! That's impossible! How could she be your mother?! And if she is your mother, then she must be a slut as well!", Mari said in disrespect. "HOW DARE Y-", Karin was cut off by a voice that came from in front of her.

"If anyone in this world that calls other people a slut, is actually a slut by themselves. You only cared about your popularity, you not only disrespected Karin and her deceased mother. You disrespected her father that was a great composer and disrespected me as well. As a fellow idol, I understand how hard is it to be inferior to everyone. I have my own choice to choose who I want to be with.", Ai declared, protecting her. "Ai..", she was stunned by his words. "I agree.", a rough voice was heard behind us. "Ran, Camus senpai, Rei chan..", she turned to look at the other Quartet Night members. "Mi chan. I hope you understand Ai Ai's answer in his perspective. Back then, in pre school, Aine and I both had the same thought in mind. That's why we agreed to protect and defend Rin chan.", Reiji explained. "I ,too, am disappointed by your actions peasant.", Camus agreed. "SO! If you understand, then get your ass out of here! You come back and hurt her again, I won't hesitate to teach you a lesson.", Ranmaru growled as he cracked his knuckles. Mari left in a huff, not planning on even staying any longer before Ranmaru could even get to her.

"Everyone...,! up...for", Karin managed to blurt out in between tears. She covered her face with her two hands, not wanting anyone to see her horrendous state. The Quartet Night members gave her a reassuring smile, before ruffling her hair in attempt of calming her down.

A Beautiful, Endless Love/ Pain (Mikaze Ai x OC) An Utapri Fanfic Book 1Where stories live. Discover now