Chapter 6: Kotobuki sensei

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Normal Point of View

After the confrontation that Ai had given her yesterday, Karin laid on her bed. Wrapped up in her blanket, she opened her puffy multi-coloured eyes. She sat up, thinking what should she do for today. Just then, something flash across her mind.


"I can't thank you enough, but I will try. Thank you!", she said as she rubbed her eyes. Ai leaned in close to her face, and smiled. She began to feel heat rising to her cheeks. "How about giving us a wonderful performance?", he suggested. "Eh?!", she replied. "Good idea! I haven't heard Rin chan, sing for a very long time! Plus, her voice is very beautiful", Reiji agreed. "Rei channnn!!!!!!!", she screamed in embarrassment.

Back to the present

"Gah?!", she said as her eyes went dizzy. Well, to be honest, Karin had not sing for a very long time, so she needs to practice her vocal with someone to make sure it's in a good shape. She dragged herself out of bed, changed out of her pajamas, wash up and started on her mission to practice her vocals. Well, the only person whom had came to mind, was Reiji since he was the only one that had heard her sing before. She left her room and began traveling to Reiji's room which he shared with Otoya and Tokiya. She went ahead and knocked on the door, to her surprise, no one came to the door. So she decided to enter the room by herself.

In Reiji, Tokiya & Otoya's room

The door crept open slightly. Due to the sudden creak, Otoya was scared out of his life. "Ahhh!!?", he screamed. Tokiya sighed and shut his mouth. "I'm sorry, if I had disturbed you guys. I knocked on the door but nobody opened the door.", she apologized. "No need for apologies, Hirogane san. Kotobuki san, apparently planned on doing something.", Tokiya sighed. "Rei chan...?", she asked. "Karin san...?!", Otoya blurted out as he pointed behind her. She turned behind her, and sighed. "Rei chan, come out now or yo-", just as she turned back, Reiji jumped in front of her. "Ahhh?!", she smacked him on the head with her heels in hand. "Ouch?!", Reiji fainted. Otoya's was pale, and he immediately fainted after that. "Otoya?! Rei/Kotobuki san/chan?!", Tokiya and Karin exclaimed. After a bit of resting off, they came to. "KOTOBUKI REIJI!!!!", she raged. "PLEASE, don't hurt me!!!", Reiji began to fake sobbed.

                        ~ Silence~

Karin calmed down afterwards, and Reiji apologized. "Did you need something, Rin chan?", he asked. "Oh, yes. I was thinking about asking you to help me practice my vocals, since I haven't been using it for a very long time. And you are the only one that knew how I sound like other than Aine.", she told him. "Karin san, you sing as well?", Otoya asked with sparkles in his eyes. "Yeah, I do. My dream is to be an idol.", she replied. "Can we join in the rehearsal, Kotobuki san?", Tokiya asked. Reiji nodded.

A Beautiful, Endless Love/ Pain (Mikaze Ai x OC) An Utapri Fanfic Book 1Where stories live. Discover now