Chapter 2| Kuro The Cat Queen

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Kuro, Yuta, Gaito, Gao, and Tasuku were sitting in the living room, trying to amuse themselves.

" Tasuku, your too hot," Kuro said, looking bored.

" What?!" Tasuku yelled a blush growing on his face.

" Yeah. Here," Kuro said while chucking a paper towel full of ice at his face.

" You got him pretty well," Yuta said, smirking.

" What would happen if Kuro actually meant that?" Gaito pondered.

" I would probably go kill my self because I said something so weird," Kuro said, leaning back on the couch.

Tasuku looked a little disappointed but then quickly said " I would probably run. For my life."

" Ooh. Tasuku, you looked a little disappointed when Kuro said that she would probably kill her self," Gao said with an evil smile on his face, trying to make it look a lot like Kuro's signature smile.

" I was not!" Tasuku objected, still blushing.

" Why are we-" Kuro was cutoff mid sentence as Gaito and Yuta hid behind her. Demon came jumping out the open window, and went strait towards Kuro. Two little kittens followed after.

" Awww! There are tiny kittens! I wanna keep them all!" Kuro exclaimed, looking so happy.

" If you wanna keep one, then you have to only keep ONE of them and keep it away from me," Gaito said, still hiding behind Kuro.

" Only one?! But why?" Kuro said, looking depressed.

" Because I hate cats. Duh," Gaito said, knowing the reason was pretty obvious.

" But who is gonna keep the other cat?" Kuro asked, looking at the tiny lilac Siamese that looks Identical to Demon.

" I will," Tasuku said. " Me and Jack could use some company."

" But I want the Kitties!" Kuro said wailing.

" You can visit Tasuku if you wanna see that one so badly," Gao suggested.

" Fine. But we gotta come up with names."

" Uh, what should the black one be named?" Yuta asked. " That's the one Tasuku is taking right?"

" Yeah," Tasuku said, looking at the tiny black cat.

" Oh! I got it! We should name it Kuro because it's a black cat! And Kuro means Black!" Gao said excitedly.

" Yeah! That's a good Idea!" Gaito said, STILL hiding behind Kuro, along with Yuta.

" But how will we know which Kuro we are talking about?" Yuta asked.

" We can give it a last name. Like Dakuneko. That means Dark Cat," Tasuku said.

" Okay. So we got Kuro Dakuneko for the black one. What about this one?" Kuro asked, pointing to the little Siamese playing with her hair.

" Hmm. What about Sai? For Siamese," Tasuku suggested.

" Okee. We got them named. But now we gotta name me," Kuro said, looking quite queenly.

" What do you mean name you?" Gao said, confused.

" Yeah. You already gotta name," Gaito said looking at his twin sister as if she was crazy.

" And it's Kuro if you forgot," Yuta said, staring at her Tsundere Buddy.

" I should reword that. I mean we gotta give me a Official Title. I name myself, Kuro the Cat Queen!" Kuro said, in a royal matter.

" Hey, Tasuku, you still depressed?" Gao asked, bracing himself for any sudden outburst from the blue haired Buddyfighter .

" I was never Depressed!" Tasuku said, blushing.

" Then why are you blushing, Liar?" Yuta asked, smirking at Tasuku.

" Because this is a stupid Topic!" Tasuku yelled in frustration.

" Sure," Gaito said, with sarcasm.

" Why are you guys talking about this?" Kuro asked with an innocent look on her face.

" Uhh...." Everyone but Tasuku had a attempt on being innocent look on their face. " No reason?"

" Welp. I'm leaving," Kuro said, taking Sai with her.

A/N: I'm Evil. Hope you enjoyed. Sorry for no buddyfight. I'm trying to get through introductions first. Thanks for reading.

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