Chapter 3| May the Best Sibling Win

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A/N: Welp. What I'm going to do is use triple D characters but in the 1st season time period. Finally made up my mind. Enjoy. Or not. I hope you do, though. 

Kuro was walking home,  while Sai was sleeping her bag. She was walking home alone because Gaito decided to stay longer.  As she walked by an alleyway, Kuro suddenly was grabbed by someone and was pulled into the dark alley. 

" Hey, what ar-" Kuro tried to pull away, but it didn't work. She heard a voice, a female. 

" Be quiet, I want to tell you something," the girl said, letting Kuro go.

" Who are you?" Kuro asked, looking at the female figure.

" My name is Sofia Sakharov," the girl, Sofia, said.

" Sofia Sugar?" Kuro asked, recalling the little bit of Russian she knows.

" Yes, I want to talk to you about Aibo Academy's Buddyfight tournament," Sofia said, keeping her voice quiet. " I want you to join my team."

" Oh, is that all?" Kuro asked, looking relieved. " I'll do it. I'm not in my brother's team."

" Okay, meet me at the park tomorrow at 11:00 AM," Sofia said with a blank look on her face.

Kuro walked out of the alleyway, wondering what Gaito would think about joining another team. She got home and found that Gaito was not back yet. She took heer phone out and texted him, asking where he was. He replied almost instantly, saying that he was almost there. Kuro went upstairs and went to sleep thinking about what she would tell Gaito tomorrow. 

Time Skip Brought To You By Sai

Kuro had woken up to the screaming of her brother. She went outside her room and saw Gaito running up the stairs. He then dove behind Kuro, hiding,

" What now?" Kuro asked still sleepy.

" That cat almost killed me!" Gaito yelled peeking over her shoulder. A moment later Sai came happily trotting down the hallway and bumped Kuro's ankle. 

" Okay. Anyway, I want to talk to you about something," Kuro said, picking up Sai.

" What is it?" Gaito asked coming out from behind Kuro since Sai was not paying attention to him.

" Well, yesterday someone asked me to join their team for the ABC Cup. " 

" What did you say?" 

" Yes."

" Oh, okay."

" You're not mad?" Kuro asked, surprised.

" No. I get to have my sister as a rival," Gaito said excitedly.

" Well, may the best sibling win," Kuro said with her signature smirk on her face. 

A/N: I'm still evil. Anyway, sorry for the short chapter. Till next time, пока. 


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