Chapter 11| My Little Cat

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A/N: Ignore everything I said about the storyline. I'm just gonna mix a bunch of things up. I do not own buddyfight.

Kuro walked over to the Buddyfight Stadium. She was briskly walking there, in a hurry. Kyoya-sama had just called her and the rest of Disaster, to watch the second match of the ABC Cup. For some reason, Kuro was not in a good mood. When she entered the room everyone was in, she sat down and stayed silent. Kyoya had noticed her watching everyone silently. He then asked,

" What's wrong?" Everyone looked at Kuro who was just sitting there with a bored expression on her face.

" Nothing."

" Are you sure?"

" Yes, Kyoya-sama"

" You are lying, Kuro- chan" Kuro frowned and looked away. She was irritated that Kyoya was mimicking her.

" I'm just bored. Happy now?" she snapped at him. Sofia was shocked. No one snapped at Kyoya-sama.

" No, I'm not happy," Kyoya said, ironically smiling. Kuro sighed and picked up a book, trying to hide her blush. Personally, she thought his smile was cute and cat-like, but admitting that would be stupid. Unfortunately, Sofia noticed. She stared at Kuro, obviously confused and mad at what she had just seen. ( Sofia Jelly!) The second round was about to start. Kyoya sat next to Kuro, while everyone else got into their " friend groups". While they were announcing the participants of the second round, Kyoya Suddenly touched her cheek and asked,

" Why were you bored? Was it my fault?" Kuro jumped at his touch and looked at him. All she did was ignore his question and looked back at the stadium. Kyoya didn't give up and started stroking her cheek, making her flinch. She was faintly blushing, but Kyoya saw it and smirked.

" So, are you going to answer my question? Why were you bored and was it my fault you were bored?" Kuro shook her head and grabbed his hand, trying to make him stop. He stopped, but was still waiting for a proper response. Kuro sighed and said,

" No it was not your fault. I was just bored and today I had a random urge to constantly play my violin." Kyoya looked at her confused.

" You of play the violin?" Kuro nodded and looked back at what was happening. For some reason there was a delay and the participants have not arrived yet. Kuro sighed and slumped in her chair. She noticed Kyoya watching her, curious about she was doing.

" What are you doing my little cat?" He asked, smiling slightly at the nickname he had give her. Kuro blushed at the  name and said,

" I'm waiting for the stupid battle to start. And don't call me that, Neko no Atama! " she stuck her tongue out at him. Kyoya laughed and Kuro sighed trying to hide a blush again. What she did not realize is that Sofia was watching them tease each other. She looked infuriated and full of cold heated anger. Sofia could be very cold, but she knew from experience that Kyoya could be colder. Yet she wonders why Kyoya was faking his personality in front of another Disaster member. Like he was, acting for the people who follow him. Unless, he was not acting. From that moment on, Sofia hated Kuro and will never change that decision.


Words: 566

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