Chapter 12| Seconed Battle Confusion

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Tasuku's POV ( AHHHH)
The second battle was delayed because for some reason, the participants were not seen. I walked through a hallway and saw an open door. I slowly peeked through and saw Kuro. She was flapping her arms adorably and playfully sticking her tongue out. She looked cute and catlike, but one thing bothered me. She was sitting on Gaen Kyoya's lap. He was smiling and watching her flap her arms. I was able to hear a little bit of their conversation.

" Cat Head, I can fly!"

" Don't call me that."

" Why not?! I like the name!"

" But I don't."

" Awww! But then what will I call you?"

" Kyoya. Kyoya-sama. Kyoya-Senpai."

" Neko Atama Senpai!"

I heard Kyoya sigh and laughed quietly. He wouldn't be able stand Kuro's love for cats at all. Even if he is the great Gaen Kyoya. I then saw him hug her, and immediately became a little jealous. He rested his head on hers, considering she was shorter than him. Soon, I left the door and walked away. I remembered how Gao kept teasing me about liking Kuro but I don't care anymore. I guess I'll be more protective of her.

Normal POV

Kuro walked away from the stadium, not being able to see the match. No one could. The participants were not seen. Even though this unfortunate event had happened, she looked quite happy. She was muttering something to herself with a small smile on her face, which was a rare occasion. Yuta then walked up to her and stood in front of Kuro, looking irritated.

" Kuro! Why didn't you sit with us while waiting for the second round?!" Kuro simply looked at her and tilted her head slightly.

" I was just with some other people." Yuta looked at her and then said ,

" Tasuku was worried about you!" Yuta then thought to her self. "Well I think he was." Kuro looked at her, she was now irritated.

" Why would I care?" She looked scary, and obviously looked like she wanted to end this conversation. Yuta sighed and left. Unfortunately for Kuro, Tasuku was passing by and heard every single word. He sighed and left, deciding not to mind what she said.

~~~Timeskip to the next morning ~~~~

Kuro was walking over too the Disaster HQ, on Kyoya's orders. She happily walked along until she saw Tasuku.

" Hello, Kuro. How are you?" Kuro hesitated to answer. She then sighed and said,

" I'm good. I'm just going somewhere."

" Where too?"

" Uh, a friend's house."

" I'll walk you there."

" No thank you. I'm fine."

" I want to meet this friend of yours."

" He does not like unexpected visitors." Tasuku frowned at the word "he."

" Well, tell him I'm coming."

" But-" Kuro's phone started ringing and she quickly picked it up. It was Kyoya. She quickly said something to him in German ( YASS. Kyoyo will be able to speak German now ) and hung up. She then death glared at Tasuku.

" Don't follow me or I'll have World Ender chase you."

Tasuku sighed and went away. Kuro sighed in relief and made her way to HQ, happily waiting to see cat head and his creepy organ playing:

A/N: Another short one. Sorry. AND YES I CALLED KYOYA KYOYO.

Words: 543

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