Chapter 13| Unlucky

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Kuro watched Yuta walk on to the stage. She was still sitting on Kyoya's lap but she was quiet. She followed tiny Yuta's gaze to Noboru, her opponent. She sighed and wondered if Kitten Shirt knew that Yuta hated cats. 

" What's wrong, Kuro-chan?" Kyoya asked, following her gaze.

" Don't call me that, Cat Head! " Kuro said, mimicking Koya's tone. She stuck her tongue out at him and slumped in his lap. The match had started, and out of annoyance, Kyoya had covered Kuro's eyes, not letting her see.

" Stap," Kuro said in a childish tone. Kyoya stopped and they both started watching the match between Kitten and a Munchkin. ( Yes, I said Munchkin. Guess who it is)

Yuta's POV

" With golden wings on back, I soar through the sky! Luminize! Noble Winged Knights!" Noboru said while luminizing her deck. 

" The midnight moon has risen (PandaCindy100 yes, risen. Not rose. It's proper grammar and Grammarly is annoying me about it.)  upon this night, the one who rules darkness! Luminize! Darkness Black Dragon!" I chanted while luminizing my deck.

" I go first! I summon Dragon Knight, Masamune to the center! He has an attack and defense of 3000 and a critical of 1. Attack the fighter!" Noboru yelled. I braced myself for the attack. 

" I summon Black Cradle, Crablus to the center!" I said. I heard Paruko, announcing the stats for Crablus.

" Crablus is a size 1 monster and has a defense of 1000 and attack of 6000! And also a critical of 1!" Paruku said announcing it to the audience.

I was ready to do some damage to Noboru's life points and ego. " I equip Dark Scythe With A-Thousand Eyes which has a critical of 3. Now, Crablus, attack Masamune!" Masamune was destroyed and I attacked Noboru with my scythe. He now had 7 life remaining.

~~~Timeskip to the End of the Battle Becuase I'm really busy~~~

Normal POV

Yuta had won the battle, making it another win for Kuro's team. Kuro herself had fallen asleep on Kyoya's lap and had just woke up. She stood up and decided to go congratulate Yuta. As she was walking she saw a pile of glass. She was about to move away from it. Suddenly, she felt something push her. Kuro had fallen, right into the pile of glass. And one had gone into her left eye.

A/N: Guess who pushed her in. And who set up the pile of glass. 

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