Chapter 4 - And the romance of sadness

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And the romance of sadness 

Malibu was warm this time of year, even at night the breeze had a kick to it and Liam preferred it to the stifling grey skies of London. He stretched out on the lounge chair as people splashed in the pool, music reverberated through the night air and he smiled. The party was just kicking off, Liam wished the boys could be here to see the beautiful women and taste the expensive liquor but they weren’t. In fact the boys were rarely together these days, they were often continents apart and it was slowly eating away at him. His phone began to ring and he jumped, picking it up he felt his jaw clench as he visibly flinched at the name on the screen. Liam rolls onto his back staring up at the stars that twinkle above, his phone continues loudly and he squeezes his eyes tightly shut. Trying to block out the emotions that slam into him every time he see’s her name on his phone. 


It haunts him, she haunts him. 

Before he can become lost in his thoughts Addison begins to walk over, her sheer kaftan is open and billows in the nights breeze. The bronze leopard print material exposes her perfect bare skin, she is pale with long legs and a sculpted abdomen. Liam bites his lip, she winks as she bends down knowing full well that her younger brothers friends would have all eyes on her body. Liam snorts, typical. 

They were staying at her fathers ‘family’ mansion in Malibu, it was the middle of the summer and all the heirs and heiresses had gathered in full force.  They left boarding school, jobs and flashy apartments behind to spend some time together. Now Liam was in the picture Addison took every opportunity to flaunt her new toy, he was beautiful and now he was hers. Addison’s father was far from polite to Liam, convinced he was in it for the money. A theory which Liam found hysterical considering he had just as much, if not more then Addison’s trust fund could provide. Not that he would ever say that to her, or dare say her father. He kept a tight lipped smile on his face at all times, ignoring the glares from her father and older brothers. Instead soaking up the never ending, obvious advances from all the married women that trickled in along with other partygoers every night. Liam found the Harper family to be much like Gatsby’s. A large party every night, after the year he’d had with the band Liam didn’t complain. He loved the escape. The way he could take Addison’s hand and lead her through secret pathways into the shadows, where they could lose themselves in each other and leave the rest behind. 

Addison looked up through her lashes and smiled at Liam, he opened his arms and yanked her into them as she giggled. Without hesitation her fingers were trailing along his chest and he shivered, she frowned as his phone began to ring again. 


Liam snatched it away. “No one,” he replied with a scowl. 

She frowned, smirking and slowly leant in for a kiss, she looked deep into his eyes as she fluttered her long lashes. Her breath was warm against his face, her nose slowly grazing his and she bit her lip as he smiled back at her hungrily. She adjusted her body, pressing her breasts against his chest and as her lips grazed his he closed his eyes, so she kissed him. Her hands however traced up his arm and her talon like fingers wrapped greedily around the ringing iPhone. She continued kissing him vigorously before he could comprehend what she was doing and gripped the phone, yanking it from his grasp. Liam began to protest but she pouted, crossed her legs and answered the call with a sigh.  

“Jesus fucking Christ!” Liam groaned. 

“What do you want?” She snapped. 

Liam looked up between his fingers and winced as he watched her listening, she impatiently tapped her foot. “Well,” she replied. “He’s busy. Don’t you think–“ She frowned and Liam knew she was cut off, Addison hated being talked over. This was going to end badly, he thought. Addison was pursing her lips as she listened and ignored Liam as he frantically waved his hands in front of her and mouthed ‘no’ over and over. “Listen, you’re the one who left. Not me. He’s tried talking to you and while you’ve been off doing god know’s what with god know’s who I was picking up the pieces.” Now she was really angry and Liam felt his heart sink, he didn’t love Jennifer anymore but avoiding her calls was all apart of that, she didn’t deserve Addison’s wrath. No one did. 

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