Chapter 34 - You made a fool out of me

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You made a fool out of me 

Porter told them everything, whether Louis wanted to hear it or not he told them about Rachel and the missing footage. Told them about the assault charges, about the break up with Rachel and his suspicions, Louis was reeling as they pulled up to the house. “Go,” Porter told them as he stood with shaking hands and lit a cigarette. His resolve was gone, his composure lost in the chaotic jumble of thoughts and emotions. His heart broken, he wanted to scream as he blew out the smoke. Louis and Zayn entered the house without another word. Abigail called him, she told him that Harry was now doing okay and very teary. Porter thanked her, she told him that it wasn’t looking good. That Harry’s bail was rising by the second, that the media were begging to swarm and that Jennifer still couldn’t remember anything.

The pressure began to rise. 

He inhaled the smoke. 

The pressure began to suffocate him. 

He exhaled. 

His heart yearned for Rachel. 

He inhaled another deep mouthful of smoke. 

He pushed his love for Rachel away. 

He exhaled with a sob. 

He thought of Harry.

He threw the cigarette on the ground and left it burning as he headed for the house. 

His mind was foggy, fuelled with anger as he swung open the door and called out her name. The house silenced, Addison was standing in the large living room begging for Louis and Zayn to talk to her. Tears streamed down her face, Louis sat with his face in his hands shaking his head. 

Zayn just comforted Louis in silence. 

Rachel was leaning against the counter, she had a glass of wine in her hand and smiled when she saw Porter. The smile was gone when she saw the tormented look on his face. She looked dishevelled, her hair was messy and her glasses askew on her pale face. "Porter," she sighed relieved to see him. He, however, did not feel at ease when he met her eyes with disdain. Harry's screams rattled through his mind. 

“What have you done?” He growled storming towards her with unfaltering determination.

“Porter!” She said, she held the wine glass tightly. 

Porter slapped the glass out of her hand and it shattered to the floor, the room became deadly silence and his heartbeat hammered in his ears. 

“Where is the footage?” He hissed. 

She whimpered as the wine spilt all over the floor, around her feet, “I can explain,” she began. 

Porter laughed, “Can you Rachel?” 

Louis and Zayn stared in silence, Addison was frozen in place. 

“Can you explain how you forced Louis on that plane, can you explain how you orchestrated that little ‘kiss’ for the media, when you knew fucking well Harry was there, in New York?” He was inches from her. She looked at him with horror, in that moment he had never been more angry. 

At the same time her face, the soft curve of her lips, the flecks of colour in her eyes made his heart scream. He trusted her, she broke him. He thought of Harry, of Louis and all the pain that ensued because she was just as bad as all the managers before. He was disgusted by the one thing he loved most, by her. Everything he loved he now loathed with bitter regret.

“You like to put on a fucking show for everyone?” He puffed. 

“Porter?” She tried not to cry but the tears began. 

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