Chapter 7 - Forget her, kid.

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Forget her, kid. 

It was three a.m and the air was sticky, the heat swarmed through the air like a thick, noxious fog and beads of sweat trickled down Liam's neck. Porter dropped Liam at the bottom of what felt like a never ending drive way, why did rich people have to have everything so much bigger then the rest. He slowly walked with a stupid smile on his face and he blinked with heavy eyes, he was high. His mind was beyond logical thinking and comprehension of the world around him, he was swaying on his feet as everything gently spun and colours splashed like vivid watercolours in his vision. 

Porter didn't drop Liam at the top of the driveway for fear of Addison waiting to ambush them. He would always joke that if she got the chance, she'd gouge his eyes out. But when Liam reached the top of the drive she wasn't there so he ambled along in the hot night beneath the decorative lights. There was a hum of bugs buzzing through the air but it sounded almost deafening to Liam. He smirked imagining being attacked by an array of killer bugs the size of cars but the image was soon lost when he reached the poolhouse. 

The lights were off, Liam leant against the wall as the wind blew softly against his perspiring skin and he sighed. Pulling out a squished packet of cigarettes he opened the top and with his lips he pulled out a smoke. He lit it up and as he exhaled the smoke he stared up at the stars admiring the blanket of pure light that clouded above. 

Liam absently thought about Jennifer, he had denied himself even a second of her in his mind for the rest of the night with Porter. But now, now he was alone and the walls he had so carefully built were slowly breaking down. He saw her face, her beautfiul blue eyes and the way the corners of her mouth would pull up when she smiled. The way she smelt her perfume was like blossoms and oranges, the way her hair would smell like berries and green tea when she'd step out of the shower the way she'd touch-

"No," he opened his eyes with a gasp and the cigarette was almost burnt out. His heart was racing and he shook his head, "No," he whispered again. But no matter how vigorously he shook his head, her face was there smiling up at him. She was laughing and throwing her head back, her manicured fingers trailed across his bare skin and she would lean so close he could almost kiss her. Then like a flash of lightning it was all gone and with a start Liam shook off the remaining memories that clung to him like hungry shadows and swung open the pool house door. 

"Baby!" He slurred as he fell into the door. 

Addison began to swear, "What the fuck?" She hissed as she rolled over and turned on the bedside light. "Liam it's four in the morning."

He wiggled his eyebrows with a smirk, "I missed you too."

She sat up, her hair was a mess and her eyes were tired, yawning she pulled her knee's up to her chest and looked at him. "Where have you been?"

Liam kicked off one shoe and smiled at her, his eyes were heavy and his face flushed, "I was... out."

"Liam, fuck?" She looked closer, "You're high again?"

"Always," He took a bow and she rolled her eyes as he snorted, amusing himself to no end. 

"I told you Porter was a bad influence, I know I pissed you off but I hate when you just up and leave like that it-" 

Liam cut her off with a wave of his hand, she was talking a million miles an hour and he had no hope of understanding anything she was saying. "I was just trying to forget-"

She rolled her eyes, "Forget?" She crossed her arms over her chest. "Trying to forget me?" Suddenly Addison didn't seem so invincible, she seemed vulnerable, sad and a little overwhelmed by it all. 

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