Chapter 41 - Despise me if you wanna

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Despise me if you wanna

Addison looked between Liam and Dakota, an obvious frown etched on her perfectly freckled features. She stepped down the stairs slowly, never letting her eyes leave Liam. Although she was working hard to appear cold and bitter, on the inside she was breaking down. Like a limestone statue against the sea breeze, piece by piece falling away, turning to dust. She gripped the railing as Dakota mouthed her off, Addison kept her composure. Although deep down she wanted to slap that smile off Dakota’s fucking face. 

“Hands off living dead girl!” Addison snapped. 

Dakota laughed, she was picked up a rolling pin, “That’s funny because when I went to hell they were looking for you.”

Liam held up his hands, “Girls.”

“Fucking leave, no one wanted you before you died, they don’t want you now.” Addison flashed a dazzling smile and Liam was watching her with wide eyes, “You’ll always be alone,” Addison laughed lightly. 

Dakota shot Liam a glance and began for Addison, “I’d love to smack that fucking look off your face!”

“Don’t!” Liam raised his hands and grabbed the rolling pin out of Dakota’s vice grip. “Enough, both of you!”

“So…” Addison ignores Liam, “Weren’t you leaving?”

“No,” Dakota smirked. “I believe you’re the one with some explaining to do…” 

Addison glared, “Were you listening to my phone calls?”

“I was bored,” Dakota shrugged. 

Liam’s mouth was suddenly dry and for the first time since he walked through the door, he was noticing the painful absence of Niall and Zayn. He silently wished they’d bound back into the room and quickly yank him from this dreadful situation. “Addison,” Liam spoke up and they both glanced at him. “You knew about Jennifer.”

Dakota snickered, “Didn’t school ever teach you not to tell lies?” She raised a slender finger and wiggled it in Addison’s now blushing face. “Shame on you,” Dakota clicked her tongue and as Addison stood with a dumbfounded expression and fluffed up her hair and smirked. “As much as I’d love to see Liam dump you, I have a manager to look after.”

“One drunk slut to look after another,” Addison hissed. 

“Excuse me?” Dakota spun around. 

Liam put a hand in his face with a groan, “Addi don’t!”

Addison flinched for a moment at Liam saying her nickname, it reminded her of a simpler time when she was Liam’s world and he was slowly forgetting Jennifer. Stupid blonde, she thought bitterly. 

Dakota grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked Addison off the stairs, with a swift grip she pulled her lips close to Addison’s face. The pain of her hair being pulled so tightly stung her scalp, she whimpered and tried to pry Dakota off of her. To her disgust Liam did nothing, he simply turned away with a groan and headed for the patio. Fumbling for cigarettes in his jean pockets and swearing under his breath. 

“Get the fuck off me!” Addison yelped. 

Dakota laughed, “Drunk bitches know how to get even!”

“Fuck you!” 

“Really?” Dakota yanked harder. “Hurt him, play your stupid games and I’ll slap your smile off your face, maybe…” Dakota let her go in a huff of rage and pulled out a lighter. “I’ll singe every inch of your peroxided hair off your head.”

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