Chapter 10 - In the end everything collides

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In the end everything collides

Niall is watching Harry with building anxiety as Harry sways between the crowd, throws his hands up in the air and feigns a laughter so profound even Niall believes him, for a brief moment. Time flashes by and Niall can’t get comfortable, in fact he cant quiet his mind enough to concentrate on the matter at hand. Zayn dropped a bombshell, yes but he did it because he had to. There was simply no other option, break up or not they had all signed a contract.  They were in this together as a band and as friends. Harry needed to hear it, Niall always knew it was coming but did it have to be now? 

Harry was only just finding his feet, discovering his footing once more. Realising that he can stand up alone without leaning on Louis, without his whole life and heart being consumed by the one person they all thought would never leave. Niall felt his face redden as the anger at Louis, at Liam and even himself began to boil up. Bubbling like molten lava beneath his skin and he cracked his knuckles but found no release. 

Zayn was watching him as he held the scotch to his mouth, “You okay?”

“This isn’t good,” Niall sighed looking over at Logan and Harry. He laughed, it was deep filled with indignation and contempt. “He’s pretending, you know that right?”

Zayn took Niall’s hand and helped him out of his chair, they sat down where Logan and Harry once were and now they had a full view of the bar and parts of the club. But it was inevitable, the cracks in his smile were evident, the way he held himself with too much confidence. They way he, (Niall winced in distaste at his next thought) slung an arm around Logan and buried himself in an embrace so erotic people began to whistle and cheer. This wasn't Harry, this wasn't their Harry it was some sort of alter ego with only one task in mind, destruction and a constant driving impulse to forget the world. Forget Louis and everything that boy once meant to him, Niall wanted to help but he didn't know how. Harry was slipping so fast from the light none of them had a chance to catch their breath and in truth, Niall was scared. He wanted the real Harry back but... was there anything left of the Harry he once knew and loved? He was deathly afraid that the answer was, no. 

Harry threw his head back in a shrill laugh and Logan looked at him with a glistening hunger behind his eyes, Zayn hissed between his teeth. “I fucking hate him.”

Niall slumped into the chair, “Join the club.’

Zayn turned away from Harry and Logan and shook his head at Niall. “It’s not that I hate him, I mean… he’s a nice enough guy he just-“

Niall shot him a ‘I-know-what-you-mean’ look and said, “He’s slimy, like he’s up to something.”

Zayn, being Zayn replied, “Maybe he genuinely really cares about Harry?”

Niall snorted, “How many times have we all said that about people, they see us as ‘famous’ not just people anymore.”

“I know but-“

“But you think out of the blue a hot bisexual model pops out of the woodwork and is all over Harry, his life and just ‘cares’ about him?” Zayn opened his mouth to reply but Niall held up a hand and said, “No Zayn he doesn’t. Do you really think he just ‘cares’ so much about Harry, the breakup and now Louis returning?”

Zayn shrugged, “I think maybe you’re wrong.”

“Maybe…” Niall shook his head with a heavy sigh. “I just, I don’t trust him.”

In that instant Harry had his arm around the red head as she played with her hair and batted her eyelashes at him, a typical girl thirsty for attention. The attention of a very well known, drunk celebrity to be exact. Logan was watching them both with a wicked smirk and he was swaying where he stood. Despite the sway they both had Logan ordered a round of shots and they all cheered as Harry began to sing some god awful drinking song, which in the old days Louis would have swatted at him to shut up. Niall smiled sadly, now with no one to swat at him he sung along as his eyes were heavy and his face flushed. The smile on his face was flawed and Niall could see the sadness dwelling deeper inside Harry. A sadness that he was all too familiar with, the same sadness Harry was getting very good at drinking away, at trying to hide. 

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