Chapter One

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Pic of Australia
This is my first book so please stay patient with me. It's going to be a little hard but I'll try my best.🙃Hope you all like it.👌👑

So, my mom is making me keep a diary with me and start writing in it. I think that it is absolutely stupid.But whatever.

I'm only going to write in this diary for my mom. She thinks that it will help me get my emotions out. Okay right. This is not even going to help.

I guess I will give the basic information about me. Well, I'm about to turn 16 in two weeks. My cast is a 5. I'm an only child. My mom and dad got divorced when I was six. I live in West Virginia. I don't like the country life. I would love to live in New York City. ( I don't see that ever happening.) My career choice is singing at parties and bars. I'm not old enough to go to the bars by myself but my mom comes with me. Oh yeah I almost forgot, my name is Australia Cullen.

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