Chapter nine

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That is Alanis above.
That night at dinner I sat by Rosey and this girl named Alanis. Alanis had dark brown hair, brown eyes and freckles. She is really pretty compared to me. She is also really nice.

"So are you ready to meet the Prince tomorrow morning at breakfast?" Alanis asked me, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Well." I thought about it for a moment. " I guess I am." I answered back. I don't really even know him. What is there to be excited about. Yeah, he kissed my hand and all but I'm sure he does that with every girl. The problem is, is that there is 34 other girls here that he is going to be going on dates with. I'm not to found of that, but then again this is the Selection, so there is going to be competition.

" Why aren't you excited? He is so hot?" She said dreamily.

I rolled my eyes. " Alanis, he is going to be going on dates with you and all the other girls. He probably won't even want to be with me. You all are so much more prettier than I am." I stated.

Rosey spit out her orange juice all over the table because of my statement. She was listening to my conversation. " You... think... that I am prettier... than you?" She said between laughing. "Please." She said sarcastically. " Are you blind or something? Do you need glasses? You clearly do." (no pun intended) " I may be a little pretty, but you are much prettier, girl. I bet tomorrow Prince Aaron won't be able to keep is eyes off of you." Rosey said matter in factually.

" Hahaha, you keep thinking that." I told her.

After dinner....

My maids are taking me a bath. I know weird right? But they insisted on doing it. They used this body wash on me called, 'Japanese Cherry Blossom'. After I got out of the bath they put on the same scented lotion as my body wash. It smells amazing. I think that it is from a store called ' Bath & Body Works'. I don't have enough money, so I don't go there to shop.

" How has your day been?" Alyssa asked me as she brushed my silky hair.

" It has been lovely. What do you think of Prince Aaron?" I asked abruptly.

She stopped brushing my hair for a second and then went back to brushing. " To start off with, I think that he is very hot." She and we both laughed at that. "He is also very kind. Him and I used to be best friends before the Selection." I waited for her to go on but she didn't.

" What happened? Why aren't you two best friends anymore?" I asked concerned. She sat down the brush on the vanity and sat down next to me on the bed.

"Well, he became the Prince and I became a maid. As you can see. Once he chose the selected he just stopped talking to me." She said with tears running down her cheeks.

I gave her a hug. " Oh, I didn't know you liked him like that." I said comforting her.

" You and him would make a perfect couple and a perfect Queen." She said pulling back from the hug.

"Thank you." I said a little uncomfortably. I don't know if I want to be with Aaron yet. And I know for sure that I don't want to be a Princess or a Queen yet. I wiped the tears that were scrolling down her cheeks. " You are going to be my new best friend while I'm at the palace." I assured her.

" Thank you." This time she told me that.

My two other maids looked annoyed. What were their problems. I liked Alyssa and Lauren but I don't really like Breanna, but I'm going to be nice to her anyways.

" Lets get you to bed. You have a Prince to impress tomorrow." Alyssa said tucking me into bed like my mom did for me sometimes.

I really miss my mom already. I had to hold back my tears that were on the verge of coming out. " Goodnight, Alyssa." I said softly. And I rolled onto my side facing the wall.

" Goodnight Australia." She whispered.

Srry girls and guys if you are reading this,that the chapter is so short but I'll try to make my next one longer. Plz comment and vote.😜
See you later♥️

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