Chapter 12

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After mine and Aaron's little meet up in the gardens I went up to my room.

Rosey, Alanis, and Chloe came up to my room and we are trying to figure out what to watch.

"Oh, we can watch '13 Reasons Why'. I am on the last episode though." I suggest to them as we sit on my bed searching through Netflix.

"Yesssssss. I love that show, but I also really hate it. I already finished watching it." Says Rosey.

So we watch '13 Reasons Why'. And at the end I start crying. Whyyyyyyyyy? I hate Bryce. He should've killed himself.

I also really hated the scene where Bryce raped Jessica and Hanna. Like really? Just get a life. I hated watching her killing herself.

"I am soooooooo sad right now." Chloe says as she grabs a tissue to wipe away her tears as we all do.

"I know right. It makes me want to kill myself too. I feel so bad for Clay even known he just a TV character." I say staring at the ceiling.

"You never told me about you and Aaron." Rosey says changing the subject.

"Oh it's really nothing." I say avoiding what she was trying to ask me. I sit up and look at them.

"Come on, you promised me this morning you would tell me." Rosey says and whines for me to tell her about mine and Aaron's date last night. I don't think I'm going to tell her about my encounter with Aaron from after breakfast.

I give in. I tell them everything that happened last night.

"Have you two kissed yet?" Alanis says and wiggles her eyebrows at me.

I look down at my hands and blush.

"You have! Oh my gosh. When? Tell me now!!" Rosey yells at me and we start laughing.

"Ok, but first quite yelling. So we we were in the gardens and he was chasing me and I tripped and fell over me and we kissed, until Brittney came." I say Brittney's name with a disguised tone. Alanis looks like she has a little jealousy in her, but why? She is probably going to get kissed by him too. Even known I really don't want her to be kissed by Aaron, but it is the Selection. So...

"I hate her." Chloe tells us.

"Don't we all." And we all start laughing.

"Well I'm going to go get ready for dinner and probably cry some more about '13 Reasons Why.'" Rosey says and heads out my door.

"Yeah I'm going too." Chloe says and goes out of the room.

"Ditto. See you later." Alanis says and she sounds like she is a little mad at me. Chill girl, you'll get your time with him. Just not yet.

My maids come in and starts helping me into a dress for dinner.

Sorry for the short chapter, but a least it is an update! Hope you girls love my story so far. Oh and sorry about me not updating in a long while.
      - Claudia

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