Chapter 13

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Princess Lizzy above.💛
After dinner I went outside to look at the stars. I sat on one of the benches by the garden.

I heard footsteps walking towards me. I look over and see Aaron's sister, Princess Lizzy.

I look over to her and smile. "Shouldn't you be in bed?" I say and laugh.

"Yes, but don't tell mommy and daddy." Lizzy whispers and comes and sits next to me on the bench.

"So what are you doing out here?" I ask her.

"I like to come out here at night and look at all the lights in the castle from the outside. It looks so pretty. So what are you doing out here?" Lizzy asks me.

"I wanted to come out here and look at the stars. Do you think they are beautiful?" I ask her as she looks up at the stars.

"Yeah, they look okay. Aaron loves looking at the stars. It so silly. He even talks to them." She whispers to me and giggles.

"Oh does he now? What does he say?" I whisper back to her curiously.

"He prays." She says simply.

I get serious. "What does he pray about?" I ask with curiosity kicking in.

She's silent for a while and I think she isn't going to answer me, but then she does. "He prays about you girls and about our grandma. She is sick. Mommy says that she is going to be alright, but I don't believe her. I may be eight, but I'm not stupid." She says as tears prickle her eyes.

I lean over and hug her. She is talking about the queens mother, Sophia. I know that she is old, but I didn't know she had cancer. I always thought that the royals were healthy people. I guess I was wrong.

"It's going to be okay. If you ever need anyone to talk to, just find me. Okay?" I ask her and she sits up straight.

"Okay." She smiles and gives me hug. "Can I tell you a secret?" Lizzy asks me.

"Of course." I said back to her.

She comes up to my ear. "You are my favorite out of all of you girls." She says and giggles.

I smile. "Well, I would hope so. You are are my favorite girl here too." I say and she gives a shy smile.

"How are the other girls here?" Lizzy asks me curiously.

I think for a moment so that I use the right words for an eight year old. "Well, most of the girls here are really nice. Then there are some that are very mean. I'm only friends with the nice ones." I assure her. I don't want her to think that I hang out with that type.

"Oh, I don't like the mean ones then. Are they mean to you?" She asks me.

She has a lot of questions for an eight year old. It's good to let her know now so she'll know what to do when the situation comes around. "Some of them are, but you just have to learn to ignore them. If you ignore them, usually they leave you alone." I say to her and she is looking at me intently.

"You know, if anyone is mean to you, just come to me. I'll tell mommy and daddy on them." She says seriously.

I start laughing. "Okay. I will. I think we should go in now. It is getting really late." I say as I stand up and straighten out my long, pink, sparkly dress.

Lizzy also stands up and straightens out her yellow sundress. She yawns. "Okay I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast, right?" She asks.

"As long as your brother keeps me here at the palace I will." I tell her jokingly.

"I have a feeling that you are going to be the one chosen as the queen." Lizzy says and she sounds so certain of it.

It catches me by surprise. Princess Lizzy actually wants me to be the Queen. Wow. "Well I hope so." I say. Wait what? Did I just say that I hope that I'll become the queen? There has been a lot of surprises today.

First I get kissed by Aaron. Next I her that he prays at night. Then I here that their grandmother his sick. Then, Lizzy says that she wants me as the queen. Then I say that I hope, that I am the queen. What is going on with me.

Lizzy breaks me out of my thoughts. "Bye Lady Australia." She says and hugs me.

I smile. "Just call me Australia. And bye Lizzy." I say and hug her back and we go our separate ways.

As I walk towards my room I hear giggling down the hall. I follow the sound around the corner. I stand there frozen at what I see.

Cliff hanger. Lol. I hate them too. Hope you all like my story so far. Trying to update as much as I can. It is going really slow. But it's going along. Bye!!! ;)

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