Chapter 15

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"Lady Australia wake up. Come on get up!!" Lauren says trying to get me up frantically.

I jump out of bed and put on my robe and slip on my slippers. "What's going on?" I ask as we run down the hall.

"It's a rebel attack. We need to get you to the safety room." She says as we get to the door.

"Where will you go and the other maids?" I ask as a guard comes to bring me in.

"We have another place to go. Now go in there." She tries to push me in there.

"No. You are coming in here with me. It isn't safe out there." I say and pull her hand and we walk into the safety room.

Everyone looks at us as we walk in. We take a spot at the corner of the room, the farthest from the other girls.

"Thank you, Australia." My maid,Lauren thanks me.

"I was not just going to let you walk back out there alone." I say to her.

Lauren lays down next to me and closes her eyes. I stroke her hair to comfort her. I'm actually not that scared.

I look around the room and see some girls crying and saying they want to go home. They will probably change their minds afterwards.

I see Aaron making rounds around the room to each girl comforting them. He looks up and sees me watching and walks over to me.

"Are you okay?" Aaron says as he sits cross legged next to me.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I say and smile.

He nods over to Lauren. "Is she okay?" He asks.

"Yeah. She's okay, I think." I answer back and look at Lauren.

"That was nice of you to let your maid come in here with us." Aaron says and puts his hand on my knee and it sends heat throughout my body.

"Umm... it just didn't make sense to send her back out there." I say as his hand is still on my knee.

"You should get some sleep. You look tired." He says to me and gets up. "I will get you a blanket and pillow." Aaron says as he walks towards a palate of blankets and pillows.

He comes back and lays the pillow on the floor. "Lay down." He says to me. I nod and lay down. He covers me up with the blanket.

He lightly strokes my face with his finger tips. "Good night my dear." He says to me and smiles.

"I am not your dear." I say back to him.

"You all are my dear, it just the simplest matter of discovering who shall be my dearest." Aaron says and chuckles a bit.

I smile back and close my eyes. He kissed my forehead and I can hear him walking away.

I fall asleep after a few minutes.

Thank you all for reading my story. You all and my parents are still encouraging me to keep writing this story so if you girls like I'll keep writing. Cause for a while I was going to quit this story but my mom and dad told me to keep going so here I am. Luv you all.


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