Chapter three

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Pics of Jayla and Anna. Jayla on left Anna on the right.

I'm walking to school right now. I'm still wondering about the selection. What if I get selected? What if I am " The One" for Prince Aaron? No this is all nonsense. I won't get selected. Prince Aaron wouldn't even want to marry me. Plus I'm only doing this for my mom. I don't want to be in the Selection.

When I got to my high school, Spring Valley, all the girls were outside and inside talking about the selection. They were saying what they are going to wear. What they are writing on the packet and stuff like that.( BTW I don't really hang out with girls like that. They are to snobby. Just sayin.)

I walked over to my locker. My best friends Jayla and Anna were waiting there for me. You could clearly tell that they were excited. I already know what they are excited about and write now I am the complete opposite. So I'm going to go talk to them.

"Hey Jayla. Hey Anna! I guess you got the packet in the mail today right?"

" Yes I'm so excited!" They both said at the same time.

I laughed. " I guess I'm excited. I'm going to give Prince Aaron a chance but no guarantees. I'm probably not even going to get selected anyways so, yeah."

They both looked at me shocked. " You don't like Prince Aaron?" Jayla asked.

"Well I don't really know anything about him. How am I supposed to like him if I barely even know the guy?"

She kind of has a point there Jayla. She hasn't even met him yet." Said Anna.

"Well, yeah but she will once she gets to know him." Jayla said.

" Hopefully I will but I don't know. Let's get to class before we are late again for the third time this week. I have a C in Spanish class already." We laughed at my comment.(Btw we made it to class five minutes late.)

Sorry my chapters aren't that long but I will try in my other chapters to make the longer. I hope you guys like my story so far.

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