Chapter eight

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( Prince Aaron ) 😊

"Australia, wake up!" Rosey said to me.

"Let me sleep!" I moaned.

"Ugg. Come on, we are landing in five minutes." She said again trying to get me up.

" Okay, okay, I'm awake." I reassured her.

" Finally. Now look out the widow." She said pointing out the window.

" Oh my goshness. The palace is so beautiful." I said amazed.

10 minutes later...

" Okay, lady's. Here are your room keys. You must be in the dining hall in 3 hours for diner. Also tomorrow you will be seeing the Prince. You are not to see the Prince until then, so you all have a fair chance. You will see the whole Royal family tomorrow. Now you may go explore the Palace, but not the third floor. You may go in the women's room if you like." Silvia assured us.

I finally found my room after what felt like forever. My room door has a golden, sparkly star at the top of it. In the middle of the star it had my name on it, "Australia Cullens".

I looked at who is in the rooms next to mine. The room on the left of me was Rosey's and the one on the right of mine was Chloe's. Thank goodness I don't have to be next Brittney or I would literally die.

I walked into my room and I was astonished at what I saw. The walls were pink, the carpet was a goldish colour, my bed was pink and gold. You could see my wardrobe slightly open. I saw a variety of colours of dresses.

" Hello, Lady Australia. If you arn't pleased with the colours of your room we wuld be more than happy to change it for you." One of my maids said to me.

" Oh, no the room colour is absolutly perfect. but if I may ask, what are your all's names?" I asked curiously.

" Oh, we are very sorry for not introducing ourselves. My name is Lauren, this is Breanna" She said pointing to the girl next to her, " and this is Alyssa, " she said gesturing to the last maid.
( this is The maid Lauren )

( this is The maid Lauren )

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( this is the Breanna )

 ( this is the Breanna )

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( this is maid Alyssa )

" Hello, Lady Australia

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" Hello, Lady Australia." Breanna and Alyssa said at the same time.

" Please, I would like to to call me Australia." I said to all three of my maids.

" Alright, La- Australia." Alyssa corrected herself.

" Well it was really nice meeting you girls but I'm going down to the Women's room." I told them.

" Okay then, we will see you when you come back then." She said.

I walked down the long, narrow stairway. I finally made it back to the first floor.

I was looking at the portraits along the walls. I saw a couple pictures of our former Queen Amberly. I also saw a few of our former King Clarkson.

I wasn't watching where I was going and I bumped into someone. I looked and it was Prince Aaron.

" I- I'm sorry your majesty. I didn't see you there." I said apologetically.

" It is quiet fine, Lady Australia." He said. He actually knew my name, omg. We just stared into each other's eyes. His hazel eyes are so beautiful, it could pierce right though you. ( I really need to stop fangirling )

" Umm, I should get going." I told him.

" May I ask where you might be going?" He asked me.

" Well, I actually was just going to the women's room." I assured him.

" May I escort you there?" Aaron asked politely.

" Yes you may." I said back.

We didn't really talk much on the way to the women's room.

" Thank you for walking me here Prince Aaron." I said politely.

" It was my pleasure. And please just call me Aaron." He said.

" Okay, please just call me Australia." I said playfully.

" Consider it a deal then." Aaron said.

" Bye." I said

" Bye Australia." He said and lightly kissed my hand. And I giggled. ( Wait, sense when do I giggle?)

I walked into the women's room.

I hope you guys liked this chapter. Ik it wasnt long but at least something interesting happened. Guys guess what... I now have 238 views!!!!!!!!!
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✌️ peace

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