Chapter 16

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The Guard Rosey was with!!!

Today we have class with Sylvia. "Okay girls. I have some really important news. Quiet down." She tells us and we start quieting down. "So we will be holding a Halloween Ball this Friday. Which today id Monday. You all will separate into groups of five and choose out of this bowl what you will be organizing for the Ball." She says pointing towards the bowl.

We all get up and start choosing who we are going to be with. My group consists of me, Chloe, Cassidy, Alanis, and Rosey. Rosey and I still are not talking, but I think after we are done with our little meeting thingy I will actually talk to her.

Alanis chooses out of the bowl. "We got food." She says sullenly. "I wish we had gotten decorations or something fun." Alanis says.

"Hey I'm not complaining. We get to choose what we want to eat." Rosey says and smiles over at me. I give her back a small smile.

"Okay so, food. What kind of food do we want at this ball. Remember it is Halloween, so kind of make it Halloween themed." Chloe says as we sit on the ground in the back corner of the Women's room.

"We can have fruit punch and cupcakes with bats on them." I suggest.

Cassidy writes that down on her note pad. "Okay that is a start. What else?" She asks as she bites the end of the pen.

"How about pizza. I know that it isn't formal and all, but we don't ever get to eat that here. So why don't we just choose that. I miss it." Rosey says sadly.

"Okay then. We will also have water and finger sandwiches. So here is the list: Fruit punch, Cupcakes, pizza, water, and sandwiches. I think that will be good enough." Cassidy says as she writes down something else onto her note pad.

"Hey, I'm going to the bathroom." Says Rosey as she gets up to the door.

Well here is my chance to ask her what is going on with her and that one guard. "I will be right back." I say as I get up to catch up with her in the hallway.

"Rosey, wait up." I say as she turns around and wait for me. "Hey I just want to talk to you." I say as we walk into the girls bathroom.

"Okay." She says back to me and sits on the sink counter.

"So first I just want to say sorry." I apologize to her.

She looks at me confused. "Why? I'm the one who should be saying that I'm sorry." She says back seriously to me.

"I should've let you tell me what was really going on. And now I would like you to tell me what you were going to say before I barged away that day." I say to her and sit next to her on the counter.

She sighed. "I just don't have those kind of feelings for Prince Aaron. I mean, of course he is hot and all, but I just don't feel that spark between us. So that guard you saw me kiss, that is my boyfriend." She says and looks at me with worry like I might me mad at her, but really I'm not mad at her anymore.

"When did you and that guard start dating?" I ask curious.

"Before the selection started. We were dating for two months and then my parents made me sign those stupid papers. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I met all of you girls who are my friends and Aaron, but how would you feel if you got taken away from someone you loved?" She asked with tears in her eyes.

I really wouldn't know I only had one boyfriend and he was a dumb, arrogant piece of crap. That is why I haven't dated in forever.

I lean over and hug Rosey. "It is okay. I'm not mad at you anymore." I say and smile. "And I will not tell anyone our little secret." I say and smile.

She smiles back and wipe away some of the tears that leaked from her eyes. "Thank you, Australia. You don't know how much that means to me." Rosey says and smiles.

"Can I tell you a secret?" I ask her.

"Of course, we are having a little, tell-all-our-secrets session aren't we?" She asks and we both laugh.

"Okay. You can not tell anyone what I'm about to tell you." I say and make her pinky promise. "I have only had one boyfriend all of my life." I say and feel uncomfortable of saying that. What if she makes fun of me. No she wouldn't we are friends again.

She laughs. "Don't worry i have only had three. It is actually a good thing. You don't want to date a bunch of guys. You would become a little h--." I interrupted her. "I already know. You don't have to say it." I say and we laugh I don't really like curse words.

We get off of the counter. "We should be going back. They will probably think we fell down the toilet or something." Rosey says and laughs as we walks out of the bathroom.

I hear a noise behind us from the girls bathroom. I turn around and see Brittney there smirking at us. Oh no. She over heard us talking.

"You are in big trouble now Rosey." Brittney says and walks toward us.

"Are you going to be a little tattle tale and run your mouth?" I ask her and stand up in her face.

"Well duh. That is called cheating. And I love Aaron too much for him to get hurt." Brittney says innocently.

"Oh really? We all know you are only here for the crown. Don't even pretend that you are not." I yell at her.

She looks at me sympathetically. "Sounds like someone is jealous and desperate." Brittney says and laughs. She nocks into my shoulder as she walks by me back towards the women's rooms .

Rosey and I stand there frozen. I'm afraid of what is going to happen to Rosey. I remember when Maxon's Selection was going on and this girl named Marlee got caned for cheating on him with another guard.

Rosey's face looks very pale. "Come on. Let's go to your room. You look sick. And don't worry." I say and I force a smile trying to convince her that every thing is going to be alright.

My sister suggested that Brittney over heard them in the bathroom. Thx Courtney!!😘 thank to my fans for reading.

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