Chapter ten

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"Australia, wake up." Breanna tried to get me up for the tenth time this morning.

" I don't wanna!" I said groaning.

"Ugg, you are so lazy." Breanna said to me.

"Now don't be so rude, Breanna!" Alyssa and Lauren scolded Breanna. "Now come on Australia. You are meeting the Prince today." Alyssa informed me.

"Just five more minutes!" I complained.

"Nope." Alyssa said and poured ice cold water into me.

"I'm getting her bath started!" Lauren yelled from the bathroom.

"I hate you!" I said playfully and my maids started laughing. Even Breanna.

After I got out of the shower, my maids put me in a long, beautiful, blue dress. And the dress had sparkles on it.

My hair was curled with a peril hair piece in the back. They put a light amount of makeup on me as always.

"Oh my gosh. Girls I look dazzling. Thank you so much!" I complimented them as I spun in the mirror.

"Your welcome girly." Alyssa said. "You always look dazzling even without that dress." Lauren complimented me. "You look good." Is all Breanna said to me.

Alyssa and Lauren pushed me out the door. "Have fun Australia. He'll love you." They said to me. "Thank you!" I said as I walked down the hallway.

When I got to the double doors to the dining hall, all of a sudden I got nervous. Why am I nervous? I just have to be myself. Okay, I can do it, yeah I can do it.

I'm guessing they were all waiting on me, because all the other girls were there and the royal family. Prince Aaron looked me up and down. We made eye contact, then I turned away. I don't even know him yet, so I can't like him yet.

I sat down next to Rosey and Chloe. Alanis was sitting in front of me. Brittney and her little tail ( aka, Skyler, Trinity, and Elizabeth. ) Brittney was sitting the closest to Aaron. She was up there flirting way to much with him. I'm not jealous, it's just gross.

"Hey, nice entrance." Rosey complimented me.

"It was really nothing. I just acted myself." I reassured her.

"Did you see how the Prince looked at you?" Rosey asked me. I just turned and blushed. Wait, he probably looked at all these girls like that. Guys are so complicated!

"Do you see Brittney over there?" I asked changing the subject.

"Yeah she is such a wh-." I interrupted her. "Don't say it." I told Rosey.

"But its true." She complained.

"I know but you need to use ' Lady like language' as my mom would call it." I said.

"Whatever." Rosey said and looked over at Brittney disgustedly.

We sat there a while eating. I put eggs, bacon and toast onto my plates. And I also had orange juice.

The Prince tapped on in glass with his spoon. "I will be taking each of you lovely ladies onto dates today, tomorrow and the day after. So today I would like to start off with Brittney. Thank you."

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