Chapter two

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This is her dress that she is wearing.👗😁

So right now I'm getting dressed for school. We don't have much money, but we have a decent clothes at least. Today I'm going to wear my knee length, marooned color dress, with my converse. I brushed my hair and headed down stairs.

My mom was sitting at our small wooden table sipping her coffee and reading a letter. When I went over to her at the table, she looked up with a smile on her face. I new it was nothing good by the smile she gave me.

"Sweetie, look what we got in the mail today." She said.

I read the letter slowly at first. Then I reread it slower the second time. I can't believe it. There is going to be a selection. I knew that we were going to have, but I didn't know that it would be happening so soon.

"Oh my gosh mom, I can't wait. I will fill it out after I come home from school today. Okay?" I asked sarcastically.

"Of coarse sweetheart. Are you excited at all about the selection?" She asked me.

"Yes mom I am very excited to meet New York City and all of its lights at night."

"Australia you are not going for the City, You are going so you can meet Prince Aaron Westbrook." She scolded me.

I sighed. "I know mother, but there is going to be 34 others girls there if I get selected. They are probably going to look so much more prettier than me.

"Australia sweetheart you are very pretty. Don't let anyone tell you anything different than that. Do you understand?" My mom asked me.

"Yes. Thank you mom."

My mom sighed," Can you at least give Prince Aaron a shot? You may be surprised and fall in love with him." My mom said dreamily.

"Yes, if I get selected." I said. I already know that I'm not going to get selected or even have a chance with the Prince but if it makes my mom happy then I'm happy too.

The SelectionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora