Chapter 6

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The pic above is Sid. He plays as Haymitch in the Hunger Games. Btw.

This is the day after that chose the selected members. I have been answering phone calls sense 7 o clock yesterday. Very exhausting is all I have to say about that. I only got a few hours of sleep last nigh for that reason.

Ding Dong. ( I guess that's the sound of a door bell. Idk.) The door bell is ringing for the hundredth freakin time today. I walked over to the door tiredly.

" Hi, my name is Sid and I work at the palace as one of their servants. I'm here to ask and tell some important things. May I come in?" Sid asked.

"Yeah, sure, why not I have had twenty other people in my house today. So come right along in." I said exhausted.

Sid chuckled at my answer. But it's really wasn't a joke. Maybe Sid is not going to be bad like all the other people who came today.

We went and sat at our small table. I asked him if would like to sit some place else like the living room but he said that the table was fine.

" I'm here to go over the rules of the palace and to ask you some questions. Is that fine with you?"

I just nodded.

"At the palace to you may not disrespect or harm any of the other contestants or the royal family. Do you understand?" He asked me.

"Yes of course. I don't have the nerve to hurt someone on purpose." We both laughed at

"Alright so the next rule is you must do anything the Prince asks you to do." Sid said.

"Wait so I even have to have 'you know what' with him?" I asked.

"Well, yes if he asks you to." Sid said.

I gulped. "Do you think he will ask so soon? I mean that would be absolutely absurd."

"To be honest, no I don't. I have known the Prince for many years and I don't think he is anything like that. Well actually I know for a fact that he is not like that." He said confidently. " I just have to tell you what these papers say to say."

"Have you had your monthly visitor?"He asked

I am confused. What does he mean by 'monthly visitor'? It took me a second to figure out what he meant. Now I understand. I'm so stupid.

" Oh, umm yes I have." I feel a little uncomfortable telling a guy about my period and things like that.

"Alright so on to the next questions. Are you a umm... are you a virgin?" He said the last part really fast.

"Am I a what?"

Sid cleared his throat. "Are you a virgin?" He said more clearly this time.

" Of course I am. I only had a boyfriend once and that was when was eight. I would never 'do it' at that age ever. Plus I'm a Christian so I'm going to wait till I'm married anyways. So yes in a matter In fact I am virgin." I said offended.

" Okay, okay calm down. Remember I'm just asking what the papers say to ask." He reassured me.

" Sorry kind of have a temper." I said. Well it's true.

He chuckled. " Queen American had a temper too when she was in the Selection. But she has an excuse, because she is a red head and I think all red heads have a temper."( I don't really think all red heads have a temper btw) We both laughed at his joke.

" Yeah but I'm not even a red head and I have a temper." I said.

" Maybe we can dye your hair red so you can have an excuse for your temper." We both laughed at his joke again. Sid is actually sort of fun to talk to, even known he is like 50 years old but who cares he's funny. He kind of reminds me of a father I never had.

"Thanks, but no thanks. I want to keep my natural hair color. Thank you very much. I laughed.

" Okay so I think that is all the questions they have here. You don't need anything much except items like you know..." I interrupted him," Yes I know.  I laughed.

"Well any who, you will get picked up here tomorrow at noon. So be ready." He said playfully.

"Goodbye Sid." As I said pushing him out the door.

" I think you are going to be his favorite." He whispered to me.

" Okay right, well it was nice talking to you. Hopefully I see you around."

"Yes hopefully I will, Lady Australia." He said playfully.

I just laughed.

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