WT3| "No New Friends"

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new friends

Sin tied a calm Taylor's hands behind her back around the chair that she was sitting in. She didn't fully understand what was going on here but Sin had always promised to have Roni's back through it all. It didn't matter who got killed or hurt in the process.

"Who was that in the hospital, huh?" Sin asked as she tightened the rope around her wrists.

Taylor didn't respond. Situations like this always put her in deep thought. She always appeared calm while trying to figure a way out of this mess like she should have many years ago when she was with her best friend.

"You hear me talking to you?" Sin asked again before getting in her face. Taylor looked pass her. "We haven't formally met-"

"And we never will." Taylor said finally looking at her. She recognized her face as the girl that was one of the reasons she hated Wyn so much.

Sin chuckled a little at the comeback. "My name is Sincere, everybody calls me Sin." She announced anyway. "I'm an upcomi-"

"I don't wanna know your fucking backstory. I want to get back to my sister, I don't care who you bitches are."

"Hey, hey, loud mouth. How about you calm the fuck down before I blow your brains out, okay?" Roni said as she walked up. "Calib should be on his way soon and he'll know what to do with you."

The name "Calib" triggered memories in both Taylor and Sin's mind.

"Who?" Sin asked, turning to look back at her best friend. Roni had an ice cream sandwich, eating it quickly as she trotted over to her best friend.

"It's just this guy-"

"The same guy I told you about?" Sin asked, tilting her head at her.

"How do I know it's the same guy? Huh?" Roni asked smacking her lips. Sin shook her head.

"How many niggas named Calib just come out the fucking blue and order to see Wyn's ex?" Sin whispered. "Ugh, you- you know what he did to me. I'm not staying here for this."

Roni smacked her lips again. "Best friend-"

"Don't best friend me shit." Sin turned quickly to look at her. "I can't believe-"

"Listen." Taylor spoke up, looking at Roni. "I assume you're fucking him-"

"That's none of ya damn business--"

"That's fine but know this. My sister dated him too and they had the same master plan to come after me to get back at Wyn for whatever reason. Don't do it. If Calib hadn't ran away, he'd be dead too. Anybody that crosses Wyn dies." Taylor told them.

Sin looked at Taylor and could tell she was serious but Roni didn't believe her. "Look, bitch. I don't know you and I don't care to know you or that Wyn nigga-"

"You're just like my sister. Aren't you the girl from the restaurant? The waiter? Is he your ticket out the hood or some shit?" Taylor asked, reading her. "That's ya problem right there. Ain't no nigga gon save you. You have to save yourself."

"Is that what you did?" Sin asked. "With Wyn?"

Taylor looked at her and smiled, shaking her head. "No. Wyn is the reason I'm in all of this shit now." She tilted her head so they could see the scar on her cheek. "He's the reason for this and the cut on my side, he's the reason all these muhfuckas after me."

Sin swallowed, remembering her mother going through the same thing trying to "ride or die" for her father. It killed them both.

Roni rolled her eyes. "Bitch at least you're not struggling. I can tell your little ass don't know one thing about the hood. That's your fault." Roni said loudly, smacking her lips.

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