Chapter 11

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Tomorrow. Tomorrow. TOMORROW.

Tomorrow is graduation. This school year was interesting and lovely at the same time.

Interesting because I met some one new, and crossed my anxiety bubble. Me, Max, Ian and Chad are still so close. But me And Joji are something else.

I don't know how to say this. I might as well think he is just playing me, but also think that he truly likes me.

I don't know. Maybe our kisses where only for that moment. Who knows.

Me and Dad are going dress shopping for tomorrow.

We sat in the car listening to music.

"So, You are leaving for your moms soon." Dad spoke up.

"Yeah.. Where does she exactly live?"

"Umm... Sidney.." Dad muttered.

"What?!" I yelled surprised.

"Yeah.." He trailed off.

"Sidney! Freaking Sidney! How does she have such money?" I looked out the window annoyed.

"Please don't be grumpy and still go. She bought the tickets already..." Dad trailed off.

"When am I leaving?" I asked, with attitude.

"Friday." He said, quickly.

"NEXT WEEK?" I asked loudly.

"Yeah.." he spoke.

We arrived at the mall. Jumped out of the car.

"Why do I need a dress for the graduation if we all gonna wear those weird ass gowns?" I groaned.

"For the after party." Dad said with a stern voice.

"Oh.." I wonder who my date will be to it? Do I even need a date to it??? I would know if I cared, I hung out with boys my whole life, well I had one girl friend, but she was terrified of what me and Max do, so she asked her parents to move, so that we would piss off.

"Hey what about this one?" Dad showers me bunch of dress options, but this time he showed me, this beautiful light blue dress.

"Woah." I took it and examined the way it looks.

"Go try it on kiddo." Dad warmly smiled.

I smiled back and ran into the dressing room.

The dress fit me perfectly, and made some body parts more popped and some stay where they should.

Like my boobs they are not to out, that's what I like.

The dress is few inches below my knees.

I pulled the dressing room covers open and dad looked at me.

"Wow. The boys are gonna droll."

"Thanks.." I smiled.

"Should we take this one?" Dad smiled again.

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