Chapter 15

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I sat down on my bed in shock. Well, this is it. An ending of a beautiful relationship.

Why am I thinking that they will stop being friends with me? I'm so dramatic and stupid..

I took my phone and opened up Max's text messages.

To: Max <3

Whatever you heard I hope you guys won't keep me hanging all alone. Ily.

I pressed send and stood up to unpack. I took my art supplies and placed them on the table. Put all my clothes into the closet.

I was bored out of mind. I know no one here only Vincent.

I heard a ding and went to see my phone. I was scared for the reply.

From: Max <3

We would never. When you're ready to talk about this, let us know :)

I smiled and locked my phone. But I still have this weird feeling in my gut.


"Hello Dad." I said. Smiling.

"Hello sweetheart, how's Sydney?"

"It's okay, I only know my stepdads son that's all. Bored out of my mind here." I said truthfully.

"Well you will return soon enough honey." He laughed.

"Yeah.. true." I trailed off. "But I hope that you are doing great!" I smiled.

"I.. umm.. yeah.. I'm doing great!"

Something in that response was weird... "Well, I'm gonna go... Talk to you soon. Love you!" I said. And he said I love you back.


1 week later...

I saw the psychology, and I felt relief. I got some stuff of my chest, and got advice. Now I can take on the world!


"I should go find myself a job." I said.

"Why? You're here on 'vacation' not for working." Vincent said.

"Yeah I know but it's better than sitting here with you." I teased.

"Oh really? You don't want all this." He showed to himself.

"Nope." I smiled.

"Well, then I will have to do this." And he came running towards me I stood up and ran, screaming threw the house. "Come back here!!" Vincent slipped and fell but still got up to scare me.

"No!" And I ran as If I was running for my dear life.

I fell on the couch and covered my body with a blanket. Shaking.

"Hmmm I wonder were Rain could be..." he walked past me, twisting and turning.

"Well I guess she ran away. I better take a break." He chuckled and sat on me.

Plastic Taste || Joji MillerWhere stories live. Discover now