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AN: Once again, late update, but it's still 11:15 here! It's still Christmas Eve here! Hah!

... But I know most of you will read this on Christmas. So, Merry Christmas! Enjoy the chapter!

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As they got back to Honeydukes, ______ turned to Newt. After everything that happened, it was hard to process everything that happened until the moment they stepped out of the cramped passageway.

"Did we just break into Hogwarts and get away with it?" Newt asked, shocked with himself. Even though his goal was to only take a glance at the castle, they actually went into it. Not only that, but they got caught, but ultimately, they got away with it.

How did they swing that?

"I think we did," ______ said, a small smile on her face. "Just barely, but we did." She looked over at him, and their looks of shock both just turned into smiles, and they both had the same idea in their head as they hugged each other.

Newt rest his head on top of hers, closing his eyes and smiling still. To tell the truth, back when he saw the headmaster, he was terrified. He wanted to obliviate her, and he was the kind of wizard Newt couldn't reason with. The kind of wizard Newt couldn't deal with, and he was so scared.

Scared to lose ______. Scared that after all this time, he would lose her to a selfish, muggle-hating man. The fact that she was still there, and that she still had all her memories, that alone was enough to make Newt happy enough to stay there forever. In that moment, where everything was perfect.

He was hugging ______, and she was still so warm. She was real beneath his fingertips, she was alive, and by some miracle, she was with him. Him, of all people.

Did he deserve her?

He was snapped out of his thoughts when _______'s voice rang through the air. "Can we go home?" She asked softly. "We should be getting to bed soon, and you still need to feed your creatures."

"Oh, right," Newt said with a nod, reaching into his coat and pulling out his wand. Holding her around the waist with one hand, he flicked his wand, and they apparated out of Honeydukes.

As soon as they felt the familiar warmness of their home, ______ let go of Newt. "I'm going to go get ready for bed," she told him. "Goodnight, Newt."

Newt glanced at the clock. "I guess it is about time for that..." he trailed off, and then looked back at ______. "Goodnight, love."

______'s heart jumped a little when she heard Newt call her that. Even though it may have not seemed like much to him, or maybe it was just nature, it made her flutter. She couldn't help but smile slightly when she heard him say it.

It was the smallest of gestures, but it made her feel warm inside.

She turned and walked away, heading to her room and getting into the shower. After showering, brushing her teeth and getting into her pajamas, she crawled into bed.

Yet she couldn't fall asleep.

Even under the warm covers, for some reason, the room felt cold. But it was a strange coldness. One that couldn't be fixed with more blankets, and that's when she realized what she felt like she was missing.

Newt's warmth.

He always had a certain kind of warmness, and a different feeling aura. For some reason, at the moment, she couldn't sleep without it. She just felt cold, or maybe she just felt a strange kind of isolation. Either way, she didn't like it, and she couldn't sleep with it.

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