chapter 4

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On the way home from school, Gamzee told me about his eventful day. He had been told off on nine occasions about his face paint, the same group of blondes that had hassled him this morning had bothered him all the way through science. He had also been bother by those jocks more than twist today too but each time, they hadn't led a finger on him. I could tell he was stressed so we stopped at the local village shop and grabbed a couple faygos. He sure did calm down but he did exactly what he said he'd do, he had not left me alone all day. Even in the corridors, the belt loop thing. It was sweet but really annoying if you needed to get somewhere.

As I walked onto the Makara's drive, I texted my mum to let her know where I was and that I would be home in time for tea. I followed Gamzee inside and closed the doors. I was greeted by GHB waving at my from behind his desk. He seemed to be writing a letter but I didn't think anything of it and just waved back. I walked into the kitchen to find Gamzee resting his head on Kurloz's shoulder. Their brotherly love was so cute sometimes. But then I noticed long steaks of purple falling from Kurloz's stitches. Oh Gog! I pulled a tissue from my bag and unfortunately had to split the love up to tend to an injured Makara.

Kurloz let me clean the blood away, occasionally flinching if I pulled a stitch accidentally. He was so innocent, he did not deserve to have these strings sewn into his face. Finally getting tired of reaching up to clean his lips, I asked Kurloz to sit whilst I grabbed some medical stuff from the bathroom.

Walking back into the kitchen, Kurloz was not sat down but in Gamzee's arms. His arms were tight around his waist whilst Gamzee had his fingers through Kurloz's belt loops. What's with Gamzee an belt loops? It must be some sort of fetish. I left the medical junk on the kitchen table and lent against the door frame to watch.

They broke away and Gamzee beckoned me over. A group hug? I acted cool but was screaming on the inside. I snuggled between the two brothers and they squeezed me until my feet were completely off the ground. I rested my head on Gamzee's shoulder and wrapped my arm around his waist whilst resting my fingers in Kurloz's belt loops. Now I know why Gamzee does it, its a casually way to hold someone close. This was so nice, I wanted to fall asleep then and there. I felt Kurloz slip his arm around me and pull me into a tight hug, breaking me away from his brother who was now almost sat in the fridge, pulling out every flavour of faygo until he found a grape.

I wanted to stay at the Marakas permanently sometimes, but I knew my mum wanted me home soon. I grabbed a faygo from the pile Gamzee had created before walking Kurloz into the living room. I lent against Kurloz as I sipped the liquid miracle in my hand. Gamzee's face dropped as he walked in and saw my leaning on Kurloz. Was he jealous? It was only his brother. I sat up ran my fingers thoroughly my hair, as I always did when things got awkward.

I checked my phone to find a message from my mum, home time I guess. I kissed both brothers on the cheek and waved goodbye to GHB who looked up from his work to find his two sons scowling at each other. Oh, Gog, No! I don't want them to fight! Anything but fight! I left the room with a final goodbye and crossed the street towards my house.

The comforting smell of home filled my nose as I walked in. My head was still full of what had just happened less than ten minutes ago. I didn't feel good at all. I put my stuff down and slumped into the kitchen to find my mum for a hug. Warm and soft are what my mum's hugs were like. I was much taller than her now and had to bend down to hug her. My mum was really chilled most of the time and only bothered me about my homework.

The problem was, my mum was ill. She had some sort of stomach disease she had to take medication for. I know she wasn't getting any better but she needed to believe that something was helping her. After my mum and I had ordered a Chinese for the night my mum took her meds and began to get drowsy. She soon passed out on the couch but was interrupted by my nagging to get to bed. She soon got up with a groan and walked up the stairs to her room.

My back pocket buzzed and a text from Gamzee appeared on my phone screen. He asked if him and his brother could hang out at mine for a bit whilst their father made business calls. I agreed and waited for the two lanky teens to walk down my drive. Whilst waiting, I grabbed a couple faygos and swore my addiction to the stuff to be the fault of the Makaras. In about 10 minutes of waiting, Gamzee and Kurloz were turning the corner of my house and stood at the door knocking.

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