chapter 5

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Once the boys were settled, I grabbed a few faygos and set them on the table next to the couch. The two boys said nothing but both seemed to want to say something. I broke the peace by opening my faygo and sipping it slowly as I waited for one of the boys to speak. Gamzee followed me and opened his drink just for it to fizz everywhere and cover him in liquid miracle. Ah, now there was a problem, Gamzee would either have to stay in a sticky mess or ... take his shirt off. He did. He slipped off his dripping shirt to reveal an ink covered torso. 16 and tattoos? He must've known a dude in one of the tattoo parlours. I hadn't realised I had been staring for more than 2 minutes because Kurloz had been waving his hand in front of my face for the past minute. He had always worn long sleeved shirts or hoodies, even at school. I had noticed the small stars scatter his neck but I had just though them as doodles. His ribs were highlighted in red, His arms were laced with stripes of alternate patterns and in the centre of his chest was a western like skull surrounded by banners with a foreign language written on them. He even had his brothers name tattooed on his lower stomach complete with skeleton hands and the word 'honk' written in tiny cursive.

All these tattoos were strangely attractive even though the boy wearing them didn't seem the type of boy who would. He seemed unfazed by my attention but a light blush formed across his cheeks as our eyes met. Kurloz groaned in boredom and threw himself across my couch. Rude, Kurloz, rude. Gamzee took one look at his brother and threw a faygo at him before a full on faygo fight started in my living room. Honks and bottles flew across the room, occasionally hitting their opponent. Soon, my living room was covered in miracles and three out of breath teens. I was drenched in grape faygo, along with left over soda my mum had left in the can on the side. Kurloz over reacted at the purple stains and was soon tugging at the hem of his shirt. Before he could lift off his skeleton t-shirt I stopped him to figer out my situation. Right, so I was I a room with two tremendously cute boys who are both about to be half undressed and I'm covered in purple soda. To anyone elts, it would of looked so wrong, but I didn't care.

I aloud Kurloz to continue and he gave me a strange look before slipping of his signature skeleton shirt and placing onto Gamzee's. He too was as fit as anything but his pale skin had no ink at all. He glanced at his brother and smirked. Ah, right, now I knew I was going to explode so I ran upstairs as quickly as possible and locked the bathroom door behind me. I sat on the side of the bath to collect my thoughts and proceed with my bathroom duties. Once calm, I walked back into the living room to find it empty. The two shirts were still there but the room was spotless, no sign of purple on the walls or wooden floor. hmm, I checked the kitchen to find no-one still. Then I heard it, the soft honk sound. I followed it upstairs and to my closed bedroom door. Oh shoot! The honking was defiantly inside my room and that meant the two boys were in there too. I wanted them out and soon.

Opening the door, no-one was in there. A large hand slid around my mouth and a soft shoosh was whispered into my ear. Gamzee. He spun me to face him and two hands were slid around my shoulders. Kurloz. I shuffled under their glares and scooted away from them. Two confused looks were shot my way as I opened the door and ran down the stairs to throw the two shirts into the washer. Watching it spin and drench the purple clothes, the washer hummed happily.

The squeak of the floorboards upstairs told me that the boys were indeed in movement. The boys sat on the couch in silence and watched the floor. Gamzee cleared his throat and began to speak. He explained why he and his brother had asked to come over in the first place. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a note then handed it to me. I red the note twice and found that it was an invitation to a party of some sort. It was indeed addressed to me and it was hand written by none other than GHB himself. I hadn't spoken with him in some time.

The note stated that I was invited to accompany the GHB to a royal gathering along with his sons. Royal? was I reading this correctly? It was a very high rated meeting from what the note said. Well, out of the three definitions the note said, it was a royal dinner party. I agreed to go seen as I got to leave school early to get ready.

The long loud groan that rang through the house indicated my mum was up. I silently prayed for that spin cycle to end so the boys could put some sort of cover on. False alarm, my mum shouted me up to assist her so I asked the boys to stay down stairs whilst I tended to my mum.

she asked me for a cup of coffee and what all the noise was about so I explained that some friends from school were over. She acknowledged and just asked to keep the noise down. I kissed her forehead and went downstairs to make her a drink. 

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