chapter 9

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After the feast was over, the adults went their separate ways to their children and accompaniments. The after party was really good with really good music and a small amount of booze. I didn't touch any but was offered a few swigs from gamzee. I was up on the dance floor with some of the other teens there including a few jade bloods and a mix of fuchsia, cobalt and indigo and of course the two purple bloods I was here with. I was about to join in with Gamzee as a techno remix of 'your the one that I want' came on when a hand grabbed my wrist and led me to the drinks table, turns out it was tavros, on two legs? I asked him and he explain that they were robotic. He was surprisingly tall without his wheelchair. His serving jacket was taken off to show his white undershirt which had been rolled up to his elbows. He looked pretty darn hot from the perspective I was looking at. I asked where rufioh was and tavros pointed toward the DJ booth. I laughed as rufioh stuck his tongue out at me before head banging to his next track. At least that explained the really good music.

The strobe lighting and thumping music had caused me to have a head ach so I sat the next couple of songs out until rufioh slowed things down a little. I was greeted by three faces, Kurloz, Gamzee and the violet blood I had spoken to over dinner earlier on. I took Kurloz's hand and he smirked at his brother before Gamzee grabbed tavros and pulled him onto the floor. The song playing was pretty upbeat but still slow enough for Kurloz to keep up. I took the time I had to stare up at Kurloz and have a good look at his face. He seemed to be staring at his brother who was now making out with tavros, rather wildly.

I parted from Kurloz once the song had finished as I was feeling brave and was going to have my first alcoholic beverage of the night. I grabbed one of the glasses on the table and sat at the table Kurloz, Gamzee and I had kind of claimed. The music had returned to it's fast and thumping pase and I was enjoying my grape flavoured drink, even if I had no idea what was in it. I saw that Gamzee had parted from tavros to grab a drink himself. I beckoned him over and we sat watching the lights and people moving around. That was until a song we both new really well came on and we both set our drinks aside to find a space on the dance floor. Kurloz had disappeared but had last been seen with an olive blood.

I was getting a little dizzy from all the crazy, slightly drunk dancing I was doing with Gamzee. He was overly drunk and was starting to get a little purvey. He kept 'unintentionally' touching my backside but he stopped after I slapped him. I saw Kurloz enter through the door that led to the bathrooms but he was unaccompanied. I ran over to coax him to the dance floor but ended up being tripped over by the amount of people in the room and fell flat on my back. I started to laugh at all the blurry, misshapen faces looming over me. I felt someone grab my arm and help me up. Both Kurloz and gamzee had taken me to our table and I regained normal vision and felt awful for showing the boys up.

The longer the night went on, the clingier the two brothers were. Every chance they got, one of them was up on the dance-floor with me, trying to keep up with my pace. It came to the point of Kurloz sat me down on his lap and jolted his knee in time with the music, which was very uncomfortable for me to sit there any longer and I moved off and found Tavros sat on his own, sipping a drink. I gave him some company before Gamzee grabbed me and asked me if I needed a drink or something and I refused causing him to fall quiet.

Soon enough, the music slowed to one last dance which I had chosen to do with Gamzee since I had previously danced with Kurloz. Gamzee gave more attention to me but was clumsy with his feet. That made him even sweeter than he already was. The two brothers evened each other out nicely, one had a gentle touch (Kurloz) but didn't give his full attention whereas the other had a harsher touch (Gamzee) but looked me in the eye and laughed along with me. The song ended and the adults came out one by one to collect their children. Gamzee, Kurloz and I waited a little longer due to GHB being such a talkative man.

The drive home was full of GHB talking about his meeting with the other high bloods and Gamzee complaining about his headache. Listening to GHB was pretty interesting in between taking Instagram pics of me and Kurloz and a few if drunken Gamzee. I didn't want to disturb my mother as I knew she was sleeping so I asked GHB if I could crash at his for the night. He agreed and said I could sleep in the spare bedroom. I texted my mum just in case she was up to let her know where I was for the morning. It was heading towards 11:30 so I was getting increasingly drowsy and Kurloz let me lean on his shoulder. Both boys had sat up a little at the mention of me staying in their house for the night so I decided I was gonna be extra careful not to cause anything too... saucy.

We made to home in one piece and I asked Gamzee if I could borrow a shirt and Kurloz if I could borrow a pair of shorts. They both gave me one and we chilled a little on the couch before they Gamzee headed off to hopefully sleep of hid drunkenness. Kurloz however, stayed until his intentions were a little more than sitting next to me. I did think that he was the hottest boy I knew but to be honest, I felt more for gamzee and hell he was like nineteen! I stretched out, stopping Kurloz with his intentions and spread out across his lap his 'seductive' turned to one of annoyance. I smiled and yawned until Kurloz brushed my legs off of his lap and held out his hand to help me up. I followed him upstairs whilst still holding his hand and he led me to the spare room which was all placed out as if never used. And of course it had to be purple. I wandered in and looked back to see Kurloz still lent against the door frame. I beckoned him over and gave him a long hug before he kissed my forehead. I prayed to Gog he wouldn't notice the acne on my forehead but he just smiled at me and left the room waving.

It was past midnight when I gave up trying to sleep and decided to go to the bathroom. Turning the corner of the corridor, I slammed into something really big and very solid. I fell onto my backside and looked up to try and make out what the giant wall was. A bright light was flickered on and the stood in front of me was a half-armoured GHB looking as awake as the day. I stood up and apologised for walking into him. He just laughed and smiled explaining that he was just coming to ask if I wanted a faygo. Faygo? At past midnight? As I was thinking it through, Gamzee walked behind his father and asked what the noise was about. He too looked as awake as GHB. GHB then explained the situation and gamzee asked if I wanted to chill with him for a bit. GHB raised an eyebrow at Gamzee before stepping aside to let me pass.

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