chapter 8

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Walking down the stairs was the biggest challenge of them all, I had to walk almost sideways to stop myself from falling over. I made my way to the lounge to find Kurloz fiddling with Gamzee's hair. Once our eyes locked, he stopped and beckoned his brother to look my way. Both their expressions matched, jaws hanging open and eyes wide. I think they liked it.

GHB soon walked in, adorned with sparkling semi-armour, gauntlets made of polished silver, breast plait marked with the Capricorn emblem, shoulder plaits engraved with fine patterns. He had a long cape, baggy purple trousers, humongous boots and even two juggling clubs attached to his belt. He looked truly magnificent. The extra bulk on him made him look overly burley but I guess it was all for this cause. He looked down at me and made the same expression as the two brothers. A light clicking sound from behind me interrupted their speechless faces, Kanaya had just taken a photo of the gormless trio. classic kanaya.

The two boys were a little underdressed compared to their father. Kurloz was wearing a silk shirt with baggy trousers tucked into tall leather boots, tasselled gold shoulder pads attached to a short-ish cape and his belt buckle showed the makaras emblem. Gamzee on the other hand was a little less fancy but still as posh, he had a silk shirt, baggy trousers tucked into boots that went over his knees, fingerless gloves covered with gold rings and the same belt as his brother. All three makaras seemed to have more piercings than before, I saw the new ring loop that gamzee had, the new angel bites that Kurloz had, the new nose bridge bar that GHB had. All of it seemed a little excessive but they all looked as hansom as ever. Their face paint was neater than I had ever seen it before and GHB's hair was down instead of up.

Then GHB asked me a question that I'd never thought I'd be asked. He asked if I would allow him to pierce my lip. He actually gave me three options, either my nose, my lip or my eyebrow. I had already had my ears pierced twice and had a bar put through my left ear. Kanaya had even gone to the lengths of attaching dangly jewels to it and had put simple amethyst studs in place of my more normal piercings. The offer shocked me a little but the cutesy faces the two brothers were making forced me to agree.

I was sat on a stool in the kitchen as on of the servants pulled on a pair of black rubber gloves and placed a set of tools on the counter. He first asked what stud I would like and I chose the black crystal lip ring. He placed a needle at the surface of my skin as I grabbed Gamzee's hand. Kurloz was crouching at my side with his hand on my leg to reassure me. The man counted to three before pushing the tool through my lip and fastening the loop in place. It was tinging like mad before he put some sort of ointment on to stop the stinging. Kanaya then saw my smudged lipstick and went crazy at the man who had spoiled her masterpiece.

GHB then called us to the living room to grab our stuff before we head out to the car waiting for us. Kanaya handed me a black lace purse and told me that all me needs were in that bag. I thanked her again before hugging her goodbye. The car outside was an official royal's car, with the little flags and everything. GHB and gamzee got in before Kurloz and I did. I checked my phone for the time, 7:30, a good time to head out really, good going GHB! The car journey was about a quarter hour long but the roads were very unfamiliar. We drove down a long road accompanied by thick forests either side. We came to a huge driveway and pulled up in front of a huge mansion. The two boys were unfazed by the sure expanse of it all. I was, to be honest, a little scared. As we got out of the car, I grabbed Kurloz's hand for guidance and reassurance.

We were led into a huge ball room, full of people in almost colour coded clothing. It ranged from olive green to fuchsia. GHB was immediately greeted by several people all of which were very official looking, many of them in armour but non of them looked as magnificent as GHB. A rather tall woman in a pink and black jumpsuit took GHB's arm and led him through the room of people, leaving the two makaras brothers and I alone at the door. Gamzee explained that the feast will commence as soon as everyone arrives and by the amount of people already in the hall, it wouldn't take very long.

multiple people came to greet the makaras and some even kissed my hand, including a violet blood as Kurloz called them. Soon enough, the music dimmed and the woman who had previously taken GHB away stood at the front of the hall and declared that the feast would commence. we were all escorted into what I would say the dinning room and sat down at assigned seats, mine to the left of gamzee and the right of GHB. Masses of food were brought into the room and everyone at the table dug into the vast array of delicious foods. I realised that every colour had three occupants and an accompaniment, a guy for a girl and a girl for a guy. I recognised a few faces from school but didn't wave or anything. The greaser who had previously kissed my hand sat across from me, smiling. I started my plate of food and said nothing until the woman at the head of the table spoke to me. Her voice was very regal and calm. She asked for my name and how I knew GHB. I answered her with Peaches Emery and that I was a neighbor and friends with his two sons. She laughed and smiled at GHB who looked down at his plate. What? GHB? Whats up? He closed his yeys and sighed a little. I messed with my belt a bit before a voice infront of me interupted my fumbeling. The rather tall violet blood aksed if I knew who the hemospectrum worked and I shook my head being completely oblivious to the meaning of the word.

Aparantly, the higher on the spectrum you were, the more royal? you were. GHB was thrid highest so pretty important and the highest, so fushcia, was the woman at the head of the table, Her Imperious Condescension. As I looked down the table, a rainbow of colours moved from pink to olive green. I asked were the other colours were like red, orange and yellow. The Condesce laughed and pointed to the corner of the huge room. There stood nine servants dressed in suites of poor quality and all had their embalems on the breast pockets. cancer, taurus and gemini. I saw two trolls I recognised, tavros and rufioh. I was realy confused until the violet blood, Dualscar, spoke the words 'peasent bloods' under his breath.

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