chapter 6

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Friday morning. My alarm screamed seven and I got up for breakfast to then get dressed for school. I was half way through my hair when a knock at the door pulled me from my lazy trance. quickly finishing, I ran to the door and opened it to find gamzee waiting on the other side. He said his usual hello and explained why he was stood at my door at half past seven. He apparently just wanted to spend time with his wicked sis. hm. yeah, totally gamzee. I let him pass before offering him a drink. just faygo.

He slumped onto my couch before staring, half lidded at the ceiling. I waited for him to speak before my mum put her head around the door to question who the strange boy was on her sofa. She called me over to explain and to give me my lunch money. In the middle of my explanation I felt a weight pull against my belt loop and a pressure push itself onto my head. My mum stopped talking to stare at the presence behind me. The low, soft voice of gamzee spoke up to introduce himself. He lifted his chin off my head to hold a hand out to my mother. My mum smiled and shook it before insisting that gamzee should call her Ailey, her real name.

Gamzee and I continued on our way to school after a stop at the village shop for grape faygo. Yet again, female attention was on him but no jocks or blondes were drowning him like yesterday. We made our way to the main hall to wait for my friends. turns out they were already waiting at a table to the far side of the room. I realised that I hadn't introduced my fiends as well as I could, so I proceeded to explain who was who.

To my left was tavros nitram, the boy with robotic limbs and the cutest smile on earth. He was the one with the soft, suited mowhalk. Then there was sollux captor, the insufferable computer nerd who had a lisp and a slight Korean accent and refused to take off his 3D glasses. Then there was karkat vantas, the fowl mouth grudge of the group. feferi peixes, the upbeat sporty girl and then kanaya Maryam, my best friend and the upmost best fashion icon of the century. Gamzee said hi to all of them and introduced himself to them all.

once the bell rang, we split ways and went to class, my first class was double English so sollux and I headed to the English block. Mr Ambers was in a good mood and gave sweets to whoever could get through reading a paragraph of original Shakespeare text without stumbling on the words. He even let us get all dramatic on the iconic parts. once the hour and a half of laughing was over, homeroom began. on the way to my class, the weight on my belt loop returned. Gamzee strolled down the corridor with me until he reached his class. one of the passing teachers wolf whistled as we passed him making my entire face burn with red. looking up at gamzee, he just had his usual unfazed, slightly high smile on.

after homeroom was over, I headed towards break room 7, the room me and my friends always hangout in. I met tavros first, he was playing fidospawn with his brother, Rufioh. Once gamzee had entered the room, the conversations started to fade as all attention was pointed towards him. I cooed to him and the volume turned up again. He made his way over to me before pulling out a faygo and slowly sipping it.

He turned to face me and pulled out his timetable, questioning to where some of the classes were. He seemed fidgety for some reason, almost stressed. I hadn't spent much time at the Makara's lately and wondered if something had kicked off between him and his brother. I mentally hit myself for jumping to such a harsh conclusion. I checked my phone to find a text from my mother. 'have fun x' is all it said. I was about to text back, wondering what my mother was talking about when gamzee spoke up complaining about the double maths he had next. The lesson after was art, which both Gamzee and I appeared to have, then social studies, the class I shared with kanaya.

Most of break was spent cheering tavros on as he took on various opponents at an arm-wrestling competition, talking about the latest tacky trends with kanaya, eating the baked goods one of the members of my friendship group had brought in and somehow enjoying the long, some what awkward gazes at gamzee. In a way, I had milled over how much I liked gamzee but then It brought me to a line of how much I liked Kurloz too. I was still thinking it over when Gamzee had waved his hand in front of my face. He had been talking about how he had been really busy as of late, including getting yet another piercing and the next size up in ear-stretchers. most of the piercings he appeared to have were either taken out or un-noticeable. Then the bell rang, signifying the end of break and the beginning of lessons. I had gym so most of the girls in the room filed into the locker room to change.

todays topic was netball, a personally dreadful form of sport but enjoyable all the same. we split into our teams and proceeded to play matches against each other. As the lesson progressed, I noticed a few figures in the corner of the room, watching from the window. As I took a better look at the shapes, I recognised them as heads. rather familiar heads too. One was rather short and scruffy, Karkat, One was an average height and gelled upward, sollux and the last was really tall and bed-head like, gamzee. The two shorter boys were looking over to the other side of the room but my gazed stayed fixed with Gamzee's. My gaze was rather rudely interrupted by the loud scream of the coach's whistle in my ear.


capricorn (the makaras x OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя