chapter 7

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As art ended, Gamzee brought up a matter that completely threw me off guard, The party that his father had invited me too. Panic flooded through my head as I tried to remember if I had any posh dresses at all. The matter had completely washed out if my head as it was given to me a couple of weeks ago. The look on my face must've worried gamzee because the worried grunt he made pulled me back towards reality. I smiled and acted cool and calm. I did have a back up though. kanaya.

Once art was dismissed, I sat at my desk in social studies to wait for kanaya. today was a free day to revise so I could talk to kanaya all I wanted. I told her about the upcoming 'very flipping important' advent I would be attending and that I needed a dress. Her face fell into a wide smile as she told me about all the gowns she had that would fit this occasion nicely.

Once the lesson had kicked off to a good start, a student messenger knocked at the door. He was called into the room and everyone went quiet so the teacher could listen to them. The boy said that I had to meet the Makaras at the school reception. A soft gasp rustled through the classroom and a boy at the back wolf whistled at the situation. I flashed a panicked look at kanaya who just ushered me out of the room and told me to get home and have a shower because she would be there as soon as she got home.

I followed the messenger toward the reception to find GHB stood starring at the year photos on the wall. He was in his usual attire but with an added purple waist coat and dress pants. I had realised that he had just smartened up to go to his son's school. His hair was tied back in it's usual ponytail and his ear piercings were clearly visible. I waved and greeted him as we waited for Gamzee to turn up.

Before GHG could speak, the dopey teen slumped around the corner to sign out. I waved at the student messenger who so happened to be Rufioh, and walked towards the Cadillac parked outside. Gamzee took the front seat and I sat in the back. GHB started the car and I relaxed a little into my chair. I watched the scenery wiz by as we took our short journey towards the Makara's house.

I followed Gamzee into his house to find Kurloz sitting on the stair twiddling his thumbs nervously. That's when I noticed a few unknown people skit around the house in search of boxes full of posh clothing. I gave GHB a questioning look before he told me they were servants. servants? Jeez, GHB, that's just odd. I asked if I could have a shower and GHB aloud me, explaining where it was. I nodded and followed his directions, passing the bathroom I had once used to see my face paint and walked along the long corridor towards the marble doorframe of the shower room.

The polished marble almost blinded me as it reflected the sunlight through the windows. I saw the towel rack and pinched one. Placing down my coat and clothes, I stepped into the vast expanse of marble and turned the dials on the wall until warm water cascaded down my arms and onto my back. The bathroom had no shower curtain because it was like a marble maze and a wall gave me my privacy. I saw the vast array of shower gels and shampoos on a bench towards the front of the shower and decided to inspect them. One item caught my attention the most, a bright purple bottle of grape scented shower gel. I used it. Then a bottle of unisex shampoo and conditioner caught my eye as the most appealing and the name on the bottle was familiar too.

Once I was out of the shower, I texted kanaya to see if she knew where she was going. To my surprise, she was here already. I wrapped a towel around myself as a soft knock was heard from the door. I granted them access and kanaya stepped in. I took ahold of my things and let her lead my to a spare room she had made into her own fashion studio.

She sat me down into a chair so we could talk about colours and styles. I asked for purple seen as it was a Makara favourite. She pulled out a long, strapless silk gown which had been decorated with black pearls and jewels. It had black lace along the bodes and the lace fell onto the skirt below. It was purple and perfect. she helped me slip into it and fasten it up. The cold silk against my skin was an odd feeling but I liked it. Black stocking were added and the kanaya moved onto my hair and makeup.

having someone like kanaya sit you down and make you feel all pretty was one of the best honours anyone could have. she usually criticized people on their fashion sense. she has even pulled me up a few times for an odd piece of clothing. luckily for me, she was my best friend and she usually helped me out with things like shopping and outfits. She had gone with a very dramatic look, and I really liked it. She even added extra purple eye contacts for more impact. In a way, I looked like a dark empress or a dark angel or something. I loved the way everything fitted together. The final step was to slip into oversized heels and add the Capricorn symbol to my belt. It was perfect, all of it. I thanked Kanaya for all her help and hugged her a tight as I could. She smiled and took a photo on mine and her phones before ushering me down stairs. On the was, she taught me how to properly walk in heels. 'strut' is what most of it was all about and keeping you head up and back straight. I kinda fixed my eyes on a spot on the wall and walked towards it. That worked pretty well.

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