chapter 10!

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I followed Gamzee and sat with his on the short couch in his room. I grabbed a faygo out of the mini fridge he had on a coffee table and complimented him on his kit. I smiled and went on about how much fun the party thing was. He at this point was still half dressed with only his silk shirt and polka dot trackies on. I gave him a look and he grabbed his shirt before taking off his silk one. The quick glance at his tattoos was enough to set the alarm off in my head. I sat there staring at him as he turned back around. He laughed at me before picking up a pie. A pie? He dug into the green mess before offering me some. He said it would put a smile on my face so I took the slice he held out. That one slice. It gave the room a hazy glow and I felt the corners of my mouth turn upwards. The more pie I ate, I felt happier and happier I felt. It got to the point of the both of us sharing multiple tins. I lost count on my third I think. The craving was too immense and once Gamzee ran out I licked with green of my fingers until the green around his mouth became irresistible. I lent in and licked his top lip to rid him of the sweet mixture. Then once is bottom lip was against mine, he made it more than a lick, but more than a simple kiss. Having never kissed a guy before, even the green slime wasn't enough to stop the feeling of nerves that hit my chest.

I slowly got the hang of the lip action and got lost in the feeling. I was going to lean forward and lay Gamzee on his back but the soft knock at the door shook me from the trance I was in. We parted and wiped the saliva from our lips. Gamzee granted access to his room and Kurloz walked in before noticing the pie tins and his brothers smeared face paint. His normally cool eyes glazed with rage as he charged toward gamzee and grabbed his shirt. The scene that played out in front of me was one I wouldn't forget. The amount of purple blood and wild punches was unbearable. I screamed at Kurloz to stop and pushed him backward, off of Gamzee. He took my hand and pulled me to his room. His sad milky eyes tore into my being. I was still under the spell of the pie but sane enough to see something was wrong.

The sad mine cleaned off his hands and I took pity so I took care of his pulled stitches from Gamzee's punches. The room I sat in was full of old-timey posters and written music sheets stuck to the walls. The room still had a glow to it but I noticed the cello lent against the wall. Even his instruments had skeletal prints on them. The more I looked around the room, the more dolls I noticed. Each of them looked rather familiar, one looked like Rufioh, one looked like Gamzee, one looked like GHB and one looked like a Cat girl with a green shirt and a blue tail. He finished cleaning away the mess before turning serious and looking me in the eye.

He stared for a while which made me rather uncomfortable. The whites of his eyes became lilac soon followed by the rest of the room. A dull pain started to thump in the back of my head. A raspy yet understandable voice filled my ears and I gave a look of confusion to Kurloz who simply smiled at me, confirming that the voice was his. He asked what happened and I was slow to reply due to the intake of pie. I told him exactly and he explained what the green slime was. It was a drug called sopor.
My eyebrows raised at the mention of drugs and me taking them but then Kurloz changed the matter to Gamzee and I kissing.

I held my breath before letting out what I had been thinking about for the past couple of months if knowing the Makaras. I told him that I really really liked Gamzee and I really really liked Kurloz. And the addition of me thinking that GHB was pretty fit too.
He gave me the 'are you sure look' before I was taken in by his milky eyes. The look lasted for about a minute before he leaned in. The stitches were a strange feeling but I enjoyed it all the same. I rested my arms around his neck and allowed him to reshuffle to wrap his arms around my ribs.

It was beginning to make it to the early hours of the morning and I was so tired I fell asleep across Kurlos' lap. As I was asleep, Gamzee had knocked on the door to apologise to Kurloz but saw me asleep and helped his brother up. They led me down before laying with me and eventually falling asleep with me.

capricorn (the makaras x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang