Eleven Pipers Piping

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Hye! Guys! I am back with the chapter two. I hope you like this too. Domo... :)

By the way, I haven't reviewed this chapter. I have some problems with the connection. So, sorry for the typo. I'll try to post everyday and I'll reply to your reviews when the connection is okay.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Prince of Tennis and never will.

Chapter 2: Eleven Pipers Piping

Chapter Summary: Christmas day went on but the joy in her heart remained intact.

'On the eleventh day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
Eleven Pipers Piping...'

My Christmas was mixed with different emotions. One moment, I was crying, then later, I was smiling, and another moment, I was excited. My parents went back to America as their first stop of working this morning. After giving me tons of reminders about do's and dont's, they started getting emotional. Since being emotional myself, I was influenced by them. I hugged the both of them telling them that I'd miss and love them a lot. I didn't know when I'd see them again so I expressed all the feelings I had for them.

After final hugs and kisses, they finally took off, missing them already. Obaa-chan snaked her arm to my shoulder and kept me there. I turned to her and hugged her trying not to cry once again.

"You are such a crybaby, Sakuno." Obaa-chan said tapping my back.

"You can't blame me, Obaa-chan. Our time was really short. It wasn't enough for us."

"Oh hush! They'll surprise you again. Just wait for it." She said comforting me in the process, "We have a long day so let's get started."

That shifted my attention from being sad. She was right. The day had just started and we wouldn't miss it for the world. The smile on my face came back and grinned at my grandmother. She knew what I was thinking and she would be happy to help at whatever I was doing.

Christmas! Here I come!



I shrieked when Tomo-chan jumped from behind. She hung on my neck like a child who wanted attention, I was holding on a metal bar beside me or we would both fall down on the ground.

"Tomo-chan! What's gotten into you?" I frowned at her behavior, "You could have hurt us!"

"Well, I didn't!" She said letting go and walked in front of me, "Today's a great day. We should start making that cake of yours!"

A smile was formed to my lips. That was right. Tomoka was going to help me bake a cake for everyone. For the tennis club at least. It was to celebrate Christmas with the team and I volunteered to make them a cake.

"Momo-chan-senpai and Eiji senpai are really excited, you know. They couldn't wait for it!" Tomoka said.

"They are so excited too early." I chuckled imagining senpai-tachi's reactions, "The cake will not be ready until tomorrow."

"I know right! That's why they will focus themselves at practice to forget your own delicacies." My best friend said as she looked around.

The school was isolated for today was still a holiday. Only students from different clubs who felt like going to school and practice could be seen. Obaa-chan's team had the same reason. On the 27th of December, the team was going to have a year-end match special at school. The winning team would receive some prizes.

I couldn't wait to cheer on them.

Tomoka spotted the tennis team running laps along the covered track and waved at them;

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