Chapter 1

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I step out of my quarters and sigh. It's 6 in the morning and people on the Enterprise are already bustling about. I hurry down to Sick Bay where I work. I love my job and have known since I was little I wanted to be a nurse. I just can't believe I was assigned the Enterprise! Hey, don't judge. It's only my second day. Any ways, I hurry into Sick Bay and find Dr. McCoy waiting for me.

"You're late nurse!" he growls. I glance at the time seeing that it was 6:15 and I was only 5 minutes late. I hang my head and nod. I can't figure out why Dr. McCoy hates me. He's very sweet and kind to everyone else! Why not me? "Now get to work!" He says, obviously angry.

"Yes, Doctor," I say meekly and scurry to my post. This is about the extent of what we say to each other. Ever. The day goes by with nothing more eventful than an Ensign getting a bruise by bumping into a table. Soon, I hear the bell that announces the end of my shift. I get up to leave and hear a voice.

"Wait, Nurse." I turn to see Dr. McCoy standing behind me. I see a flicker of an unknown emotion flash in his eyes but as quickly as it came it was gone and his eyes were back to the stone cold I am used to seeing. "I don't want another late tomorrow," he growls then turns with a "That's all." I leave and make my way to the rec room where Lieutenant Uhura is singing. I sit down at a table and soon fall fast asleep. I wake to the Captain's voice. "Well Bones she is cute..."

"Yeah well she is never on time." The Doctor's hard voice. I blink my eyes open at that.

"Well look who's awake! Good morning Sleeping Beauty!" I find myself looking right at the Captain's face and discover he was the one who made the comment.

I blush deep crimson and say "H-hello, Captain...I'm sorry I must have fallen asleep..."

The Captain laughs and says "Please, call me Jim." Dr. McCoy's face gets even harder and he opens his mouth but I beat him to it.

"B-b-but Captain I'm just an Ensign. It wouldn't be proper!" McCoy nods in the slightest approval.

"Come now. We're all friends here! Please, Jim," Captain Kirk tries again.

"Aye Captain, running afta' anotha' pretty lass?" I hear a thick Scottish accent come to my rescue. When I first came aboard I got lost and wandered into Engineering where I bumped into Scotty. He showed me around and we became fast friends. He was really my only true friend aboard right now. "Wan' ta grab a bite ta eat, Corin?" Scotty says to me.

"Sure!" I say immediately. I walk over to him. "Thanks for that," I say with a sigh of relief. "Any time, lass," Scotty says with a cheery smile. "Now 'ow abou' tha' bite ta eat?" I laugh and nod. It is nice to have a friend.

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