Chapter 4

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Hey peeps so I know I've been updating pretty fast but it probably won't last because of school and stuff. But in other news I got a super cute Spock notebook from my local art museum. Yay. So any ways. On with the story!

Corin Chandler's POV

I try to blink my eyes open and find I can't. The same thing happens when I try to move my head. I sigh. Wait. I can sigh! I try talking to myself.

"My name is Corin Michelle Chandler." It works! All of a sudden my eyes blink open by themselves. I sit up. Except it wasn't me. I try to lean back down but I can't. Apparently, my body has a mind of it's own. Except my mouth.

"Hello?" I call out. My head turns and I find myself looking at a giant lizard-like alien. "Who are you?" I ask.

"I am Saran," the creature says. Except it doesn't actually talk. I try to tilt my head then remember I can't. I go for the next best thing.

"What are you?" I ask.

"I am a Jag," Saran says. "Oh, and you have no need to talk anymore, human. I can scan your thoughts."

'Ok then answer the rest of my questions,' I think furiously to the monster. All of a sudden pictures flash rapidly through my mind. At the end I get pain, pure agony. It is terrible and consuming and eventually gets so bad I blissfully black out once again.

No one's POV

Back on the Enterprise...

Nurse Chapel and Dr. McCoy are rushing around Sick Bay, trying to tend to the still-bad wounded. Nurse Chapel's injury had simply been a sprained ankle, but with the newest technology Bones healed it fast. "Of course it was that incompetent Chandler who got herself abducted by aliens," Bones growls.

"But Doctor, it wasn't her fault," Nurse Chapel says, defending the younger nurse.

"Actually, for all we know her molecules could be spread across the galaxy!" He continues, appearing to not have heard her.

Meanwhile Scotty is pacing in his quarters.

"I just don know where she could have gone!" he cries and flops down on a chair as the door opens. "Oh Capitan! I didnae see ya there!"

"It's alright Scotty," Kirk replies tiredly, slumping in a chair opposite Scotty's. "I'm worried too."

"Capitan, she's me best friend. She's like a sister to me!"

"I know, Scotty. I know." Both men get up to leave. Just then the intercom buzzes.

"Capitan Kirk, to the bridge please. Capitan kirk, to the bridge."

Kirk punches the button to reply. "Kirk here. What's wrong Lieutenant?"

"Capitan we're getting a message you might like to see. Also if Mr. Scott is close by he should get up here too."

"Alright we're on our way." Both men look at each other and hurry to the turbo lift.

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