Chapter 9

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Hi guys I'm on vacation but I happened to get some wifi so yay!

It is a day after Scotty and Spock went missing and I am starting to get the hang of scooting and using one arm. It isn't easy but it works. Well enough anyways. Ok it is awful but still. I'll get used to it. All of a sudden the communicator that we thought was useless beeps to life next to me, scaring me out of my thoughts.

"Scott to Ch-zzzzz" the communication is interrupted by static. "Scott to Ch-zzzz! C-zzzzz in Ch-zzzzz."

Scotty's voice crackles out of the metal device. I reach my right arm over and flip it open.

"Chandler here," I say.

"Cor-zzzz. You're ali-zzzz!"

"Don't sound so surprised," I mutter, slightly miffed at his reaction.

"Sorry, la-zzzz, i's jus' the las' time I saw ya, ye were prett-zzzz broken up. Oh an' next time, jus' le-zzzzzz light fall on me. We were all so worr-zzzz lass! Don' scare me like tha'!"

I sigh. "You're my best friend, Scotty. I couldn't let anything happen to you. Anyways where are you? Have you found Spock? Are you hurt? Can you get back to us? Do you have shelter, and water, and food, and-"

He cuts me off before I can list off all my worries. "We're fine, lass, ju-zzzz-ery lost. I's like the cave mo-zzzzz. I've no idea where we are. This doe-zzzzz mean come lookin' fer us. You st-zzz right where ya are until the Enterprise can beam ya up an' getcha fix-zzzzz-en worry abou' us. Until then, res-zz lass. We're fine. Oh, and tell Dr. McCoy 'e 'ad b-zzzzzzz take care of ya. And ya should take care o' yer-zzzzz too." He pauses as if deciding something. "Love ya, lass. Scott out."

My mind reeled over his last few words. He meant like friend love ya, right? Or was it more... What did I want it to be? I think about the last question for sometime before I hear Bones trudge in.

"I caught some alien fish. They look awful and taste worse but they're all we have on this wretched planet so eat up." He throws me a piece of baby food green, slimy, flesh.

"Can't we cook it?" I ask, looking at the unappetizing meat.

"It explodes," he says bluntly.

"Oh," I say, looking down at it. I slowly bring it up to my mouth and make a face. It even smells awful. I take a bite and almost gag.

"And this is the only thing to eat?" I ask, hoping I had misunderstood him.

"Yep. Eat up. It also keeps you from being poisoned by the water."

At that I hold my nose and eat it all. I lean back and close my eyes, only to have them shoot open as I let out an ear-piercing scream, pain coursing through my left arm. In an instant Bones is at my side. He goes into what I call 'doctor mode' and starts treating me like a patient. He pokes and prods my arm and mutters about being 'stuck on some alien planet with nothing and a patient.' That makes me smile through the pain. After a while he comes up with an answer.

"I think that fish is fixing your arm! it's regrowing the bone! I've set it as best I can, but anything could happen. Here's hoping it's okay," he sighs as he alternates his gaze between me and the fish. After a few more minutes the pain subsides to a dull throb and then disappears all together. I slowly extend my arm. It's perfect! The wound is even gone! Bones runs a tricorder across it.

"Well, you're good as new. I can't figure how that thing did it but it did. Hopefully I set your legs right. If I didn't..." he bites his bottom lip in worry. "Let's just hope I did."

I eat another piece of fish and the pain comes again until finally I'm free of it. The wound on the surface has cleared but only a tricorder will tell if it set right. He looks at the screen and a grin spreads across his face.

"You're perfect! Everything complete working order!" he helps me to my feet and we both laugh with joy. He spins me around saying "It worked! It worked! It worked!!" and I laugh along. Of course the oxygen level on this planet is much lower than earth so after about 30 seconds of this we both fall to the ground, but it was fun none the less.

As we sit there I yawn and stretch my arms.

Bones looks over at me and says "You should sleep. You need it."

I shake my head and say "I'm too worried about Scotty and Spock. They could be anywhere. I know they're still alive because I was able to talk to Scotty today when you were out fishing. He called me on the communicator. Apparently they're lost. He said it was like the cave moved. I'm really worried." He scoots closer to me and takes my hand.

"Don't worry, Corin. If I know those two they will be doing everything in their power to get back here. Both for completely different reasons of course, for Spock, it'll be that he wants to get back to the ship as fast as he can and for Scotty it will be to get back to you. Everyone but you can tell he's completely in love with you. And this is just one old country doctor's opinion but it looks like you love him too." I open my mouth to protest but he doesn't let me. "I've seen the way you look at him, Corin. You two are perfect for each other. I know for a fact that you are very beautiful and you don't give yourself any credit for it. Even now you seem to glow. You're amazing in every aspect. Not many can say they've seen a Vulcan genuinely smile at them. You can. Now, I don't know if this fish is messing with my head or it's just because I know if I don't do this now I'll never get a chance but I'm about to do something I have wanted to do since I first laid eyes on you." And with that, he leans in and gently kisses me. Not roughly, or even very deeply. Just gentle and kind. Sweet in every aspect. He pulls away and it ends as fast as it started. He looks at me and smiles, then says, "Goodnight, Corin." He moves a little further away from me and curls up, falling asleep in minutes. I think for a second and go over to him, curling into the warmth and safety of his side as I fall into a deep, worried, sleep.

Hey guys! I'm baaaaaaack! Haha. I'm having a whole bunch of fun on vacation but I was missing my story. This update was kind of for me too because I completely wing this. I have no idea where the next chapter will lead! Anyways hope you liked it! Thanks for reading! Oh and this isn't edited sorry. Live Long and Prosper peeps.

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