Chapter 10

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Corin's POV

Personal Log. Corin Chandler. Stardate: unknown.

I know I haven't updated this in a while so I figured I should. I am right now stuck on a planet without contact from the Enterprise in almost three weeks. Our landing party of four has been split up into two groups, Science Officer Spock and Chief Engineering Officer Scott in one and Chief Medical Officer McCoy and me in the other. I am very worried about the other group as well as the Enterprise for we cannot contact either. I know Scotty is looking for me and as soon as I can I will look for him. I just pray he doesn't do anything stupid. Because Dr. McCoy is not here right now, I am going to speak plainly. I don't know what to do about Scotty and Bones. They have become my best friends and now I have learned they both claim to be in love with me. I have recently thought it through and have come to a disturbing conclusion. I love them both. If only Mr. Spock was here, I would talk it through with him. He too is a good friend and he understands me well. I suppose this log entry is getting a little long so I must now say goodbye. Chandler out.

I put away my tricorder to sit and think a while. After saying it out loud the meaning finally sinks in. I have two very kind, very handsome men in love with me. The only problem is either one I pick will hurt the other. And to top it all off, I am completely in love with both. I hear the crunching of the soft rocks outside, announcing Leonard's arrival. It has been two full days since he kissed me but I still can't quite get over it. Every time he looks at me or I look at him I blush. I sigh.

"Somethin' wrong, Corin?" McCoy says, for some reason in good spirits today. I eye his smile warily and easily side step the question.

"Why are you so cheerful?"

This makes him grin wider and say, "Come out and see for yourself!"

I am suddenly aware of muffed voices outside of the cave and I follow Bones curiously. When I get outside my eyes widen and I stop in my tracks. Once I get past my shock I launch myself at the two men, not caring which one catches me. It ends up being a set of strong Vulcan arms. Then I remember Spock doesn't like to be touched and I catch Scotty in a bear hug which he immediately returns.

"You're alive! You're alive! I thought something had happened to you two! I thought I lost you! You're alive!"

"I would think we are, Ms. Chandler. It was illogical for you to worry about us because we have survival skills just as well as you do," Spock says. To anyone else who knew Spock the comment would seem normal but it stung me slightly because he had previously praised me on my part-Vulcan logic . I unwrap my arms from Scotty and pull out of his grasp. I put my fists on my hips and scowl at him.

"Am I not allowed to worry about two of my best friends?"

"Not when there is no need to. It is illogical."

I open my mouth to make a biting retort then close it with a snap. I turn on my heel and stomp into the cave, more than a little irked. I sit down in the back, fold my arms, and pout like a child.

"Ya cannae let Mr. Spock get ta ya, lass. 'E was jus' bein' 'im," Scotty says as he walks in.

I sigh. "I know, it just stung. I'll get over it."

He sits down beside me and says, "So wha' 'appened after I went ta find Spock?"

I give him an account of everything that happened when he was gone, leaving out the kiss.

After I'm done, he looks thoughtful and says, "Yer a strong lass ya know tha'." He loops an arm around my shoulders and squeezes gently.

I smile and say, "You're not too bad yourself."

We both laugh and just enjoy each other's company.

After McCoy and Spock come in we all go to bed. I am sandwiched between McCoy and Scotty both of them snoring. I chuckle slightly at them. I feel an arm snake around my thin waist. Scotty pulls me close and I realize he's asleep. He snores into my hair as I relax and fall asleep softly.

Later that night...

I wake with a start because of a big boom and a flash of light. I find Scotty curled around me and I shake him awake. The others have already woken up. Scotty blinks his eyes open and realizes he's curled up around me. He jumps back and I let my disappointment flash across my face quickly then return to the task at hand. We both stand as another, brighter, flash of light explodes and we can see the edges of a deflector shield. Could it be? I can tell Scotty is thinking the same thing as he scrutinizes the firing back at the planet's surface. He jumps in the air and says, "I's them! I's the Enterprise!" I grin as does Bones while Scotty laughs with delight. A thought strikes me. I whip out my communicator and try to reach the ship.

"Chandler to Enterprise, come in Enterprise." Nothing but static. I try again.

"Chandler to Enterprise, come in Enterprise." This time I hear the astonished voice of Uhura.

"Corin is that you?!"

I grin. "Yep! It's me!"

This time it's the captain that speaks.

"My god Corin, we thought you were dead! Are the others there too?"

I smile again, "Yep! We're all here! Can you lock onto our coordinates to beam us up?"

"Just stay put and it'll be done!"

With a big grin on my face I say, "Four to beam up!"

White and yellow dots form all around us and suddenly we are back onboard. I've never been so happy to see a transporter room in my entire life.

So yay! Happy ending chapter! Don't worry this isn't the end. This book will probably be so long it could be split into three but oh well. It'll still be a good read I hope. Happy reading! Live Long and Prosper my peeps.

P.S. In the next chapter there's going to be a game of truth or dare. I need good truths/dares. Thanks!

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