Chapter 5

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No one's POV

Scotty and Kirk rush to the bridge. When they get there they find a transmition coming in on the screen.

"I can't stop it, sir," Uhura says in surprise.

"That's alright, Lieutenant," Kirk says and sits down. A lizard-like alien is on the screen.

"Hello, humans. I am Saran. I can tell you have never seen one of my kind. I am a Jag. Now, you will send down three human males. They are the ones called Scott, McCoy, and Spock. They have shown different types of affection to this female." A picture of Nurse Chandler strapped into a bed cuts in. The picture causes Scotty to jerk forward with an outstretched hand but it soon goes back to the Jag. "You must send them down before two of your earth hours are up or I will destroy your ship. The first blow was a warning. I can easily destroy."

"And why should I send down my First Officer, Chief Engineer, and Chief Medical Officer?"

"Because, primitive human, I can read your thoughts. For instance, now, you are experiencing annoyance that you cannot come save a female you are attracted to. Mr. Scott is experiencing hatred towards me and my society for hurting 'his Corin.' Now. Do as I say, or you will be destroyed." The screen goes black. For a few moments there is a stunned silence then the room erupts in chaos. All over there were shouts of "We must save her!" and "They have to go! They could save her!" And in the midst of it all Kirk shouts "QUIET!" and the room falls silent.

"Now," he says. "Who thinks we should send down the Jags requests? Remember, these are life and death decisions." Almost all of the hands go up. "Well, it appears that our new nurse was very liked," he says with a chuckle. Then he looks over at Spock. "Mr. Spock you too?! This is logical?! It can't be! Why, it has to be! I didn't think you had it in you! Affection? My my this is new. We should get Bones down here to celebrate!"

"Capitan, if you are done insulting me, I will explain myself," Spock says, a tiny bit of his human side showing embarrassment. "It is logical that we go, because she is a good nurse, and if she were to be left I assume that morale would greatly decrease."

"Well well Mr. Spock, affection, defensiveness, and embarrassment! This is a big step forward!"

Spock almost sighed. "Capitan are we or are we not sending down a landing party?"

"I don't know..." Kirk says, trailing off. Then the ship rocks with another hit.

"Defleector shields 84%, Keptin," Chekov says from his station.

"Well apparently, Mr. Spock, we are," he says then calling McCoy to the bridge.

"Jim, you're not actually going to do this?!" McCoy shouts as he gets there.

"We have no other choice."

"My patients need me!"

"If all goes to plan you will be back soon enough to fix the last of them."

"Fine," McCoy grumbles.

Kirk sighs then says, "Alright gentlemen. To the transporter room!"

Corin Chandler's POV

I wake up and find I can move again. I sit up and look around. I'm back in the cave with the giant lamp hanging from the ceiling. I hear a noise behind me and turn around just in time to see three people materialize. "Scotty!" I cry and run to throw my arms around him.

"Corin!" he yells, sweeping me up in a big hug. "Are ye okay, lass? Everyone on the ship was very worried aboot ya. You're so thin! Have ye eaten anythin' at awll since ye go' 'ere?" he says, examining me like a worried mother hen.

"No I haven't had anything since dinner the night before the red alert," I say miserably only just realizing how slight I had become. Then I remember the other two men there. "Mr. Spock! Oh. Doctor," I say, happily at first then I glance away. "Wh-why are you here?" I ask the three of them. They proceed to fill me in on the happenings of the past four days. I look away. "So we're doomed," I say tears filling my eyes.

"'ey don cry lass," Scotty says, putting a comforting arm around me.

"Don't you get it?! I scream, wrenching myself out of his arms. "We're never getting out of here!" I stalk over to the opposite wall and flop down to sob. After about five minutes I give up and just curl up into a ball. I hear footsteps and expect Scotty trying to comfort me. I couldn't have been more wrong.

"Go away, Scotty," I mutter into my shoulder.

"I am not Mister Scott," I hear a monotonous voice say.

I uncurl a little to glance at Spock. "Why are you here?" I ask accusingly.

"I came of my own free will," he says, slightly confused, glancing back at the other two.


He crouches down next to me awkwardly. "I must ask, Nurse, are you part Vulcan?"

I sit straight up, knocking my head against the wall in the process.

"H-how did you know?" I ask looking him in the eye now. He glances back again and I follow suit. I see the other two sitting exactly opposite from us, just staring. Spock looks back at me as if deciding something then gently brushes my hair behind my ears, reviling their slight pointedness. I automatically go to brush it back, then stop myself. My secret is out.

"These and the fact you have a highly logical brain," Spock says gently. "Why do you try to hide it?"

I sigh and tell him my story. When I was young I was a little "cross-breed" orphan. I never knew my parents. All I had left of them was an unsigned note my mother left when she left me on the orphanage doorstep when I was a new born. Apparently she was a half Vulcan and she couldn't take knowing that I was part Vulcan too so she left me. When I was younger I was constantly teased so I never let anyone know.

"A very logical approach," Spock says approvingly.

"Thank you for helping me," I say quietly.

A flicker of a smile flashes across his face and is all too soon gone. "Any time." He gets up to go back over to the others and I soon follow.

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