Chapter 12

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After an hour and a half of getting me ready Rocha (or Rocky, as she told me to call her) finally decides it's enough and runs to the bathroom to change and do her make-up. I look at myself in the mirror. She put me in one of her navy blue taffeta dresses that has short sleeves and gathers at the side. She tried to get me into a strapless one but I put my foot down to that. She could force me into a dress and make-up, but she couldn't make me go strapless. My make-up is natural tones with navy blue eye-shadow and cat's eye eyeliner. Luckily she only had flats that went with the dress so thankfully I have a pair of pretty blue flats on. She had put my hair in a simple, yet elegant ponytail flip. I must admit the whole outfit is very beautiful.

I hear a knock on the door. I go to open it and see it's Chekov. I remember Kirk said Rocky and him were dating.

I smile at him and say, "She's getting ready. You can come in if you want."

He smiles back at me and says, "Zank you."

I point him to a chair just as Rocky comes out. Her face lights up as she sees him. "Hey, Pasha."

"Hello, Rocky."

She comes over and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek. His face turns bright pink and she loops her arm in his. Then she turns to me.

"You waiting on someone, Corin?"

Now it's my turn to blush. I look down and study my shoes for a second then look up at her and say, "I don't have a boyfriend."

She just shrugs and says, "Walk with us!"

I nod and follow behind them as they talk.

When we get there they immediately go over to the center table with punch and, was that, orange soda? I shake my head and walk over to the corner and sit and slip the book I had been hiding behind me out. It was a little loud to be reading but oh well, I don't mind. A little bit into the page I hear a voice above me.

"Whatcha doin' readin' now?" I look up to see Bones. Then I realize he's drunk.

I cock an eyebrow at him and say plainly, "You're drunk."

"Not too drunk to see how pretty you are in that dress. And to know that you should be dancin'."

I put my hands up in surrender. He pulls me up and I gently kick my book further into the corner, hoping I remember to grab it on my way out. He leads me out onto the dance floor and puts his hands around my waist. I put mine around his neck and we slow dance. I eventually end up with my head on his chest. The song ends and I look up, saying, "You're a very good dancer Dr. McCoy."

He smiles, then says, "We're off duty. Call me Leonard."

I nod and then say, "Leonard."

He pulls away saying something about punch and comes back a few minutes later with a glass for me. I smile and thank him, realizing how thirsty I am. It's very good punch and I end up drinking a few glasses of it. My vision gets a little fuzzy but I don't think anything of it. After a while Kirk stands on the table and says, "I'm starting a game of truth or dare. Anyone wanting to participate can meet me over there." He points to a set of couches and tables over to the side. I giggle and grab Leonard's arm, pulling him over.

"Come on! Come on! I wanna play!"

He frowns as if thinking for a second. "Somehow I don't think this is such a good idea...

"Aww come on, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaase?" I give him my puppy dog face.

Finally he relents, "All right."

"Yay!" I squeal and drag him over just as the game begins. Kirk looks up at us as we walk over. I see Scotty sitting on one of the three seat couches all alone. I plop down next to him and Leonard sits on my other side.

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