Chapter 11

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Corin's POV

After a long, hot, blissful shower, I change into a clean uniform and walk down to the mess hall to get my first taste of non-slimy food in weeks. I punch in the code for lasagna and a soda and the door slides open with my food.

"Mmmmmmmmm..." I sigh, breathing in the heavenly scent from the piping hot meal. Captain Kirk gave me the rest of the day off, allowing me to relax. I smile happily as I take my first bite. I've missed Italian food and Dr. Pepper. Kirk walks in and over to my table.

"I see you're enjoying your meal," he says with a smile at my stuffed face. I just smile and nod because my mouth is still full.

"Well I'm glad. And I came to tell you that tonight we're having a party in Rec Room 3 on your landing party's behalf. Everyone's very glad you're home safely."

I finally swallow and give him an apologetic look. "I don't do parties."

He says, "Come on, you're the guest of honor! Please? It'll be fun!"

I duck my head and mutter something under my breath.

Kirk raises an eyebrow in an unconscious imitation of Mr. Spock and I can tell he heard. He teases me anyways. "What was that, Nurse?"

I sigh and glare up at him. "I've never been to a party!"

"Not even a birthday party when you were little?"

I shake my head. "I've lived in an orphanage all my life. And I'm not what you would call a 'social creature'."

He just smirks. "Well then your roommate can help you pick out your outfit and when you get there you'll be set."

I look up at him with wide eyes. "Roomate?!"

He feigns innocence. "You didn't know? Oh I'm sorry! Lieutenant Tarrel's room was damaged in the phaserfight so you two have to share for a little bit. I'm sure you'll love her. She's a very nice girl. Also dating Mr. Chekov. A good partyer. You'll like her."

"Okay, sir," I say with a sigh. By now I've finished my meal. "Goodbye, Captain. Nice to talk to you."

As I walk out I hear him shout behind me, "It's Jim!"

I smile as I walk back to my room. When I get there, I walk in and see someone has already put a second bed in and there is a girl about my age sitting on it, reading an old-style book. She looks up as I come in. She smiles cheerfully and says, "Hi! You must be Corin Chandler! I'm Rocha Tarrel! Nice to meet you!"

She stands and puts out a hand to shake. I reach out and lightly shake it. She smiles again and bounces slightly, her wavy, long, tan hair shimmering. "I'm sure we'll be great friends!" she says, grinning happily.

I finally say my first words to her. "Uhh, yeah. Sure."

This makes her smile wider and she starts talking again. "Ohhh are you going to Jim's party tonight? Of course you are! You're one of the special guests! I'm really excited! I help plan you know! There's going to be streamers, and music, and orange soda, ooooo I love orange soda. Of course there will also be..."

I zone out as she keeps talking. I like her okay but she's a little too perky. I realized she asked me a question. "Umm, what?"

She sighs, mock exasperated. "I said what are you going to wear tonight."

I blush pink. "I've sorta, kinda never been to a party before so I don't know what's good for a party. Any suggestions?"

She looks amazed. "Never been to a party?? Oh my." She glances at the clock. "Oh my gosh, we barely have any time! The party's only in two hours! I can normally whip something together in one but because you're new to this it's going to take longer!" She throws open my closet. "Let's begin!"

Hi guys! I still need some truths/dares for next chap! Ok I won't talk much as not many actually read this anyways. Read and Review! Live Long and Prosper peeps!

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