Chapter 8

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Corin's POV

I blink my eyes open softly to find myself laying on my stomach still, with all of the rubble off. My arm has bandages wrapped around it and I hear a ripping sound. I glance backwards to see Bones cutting my stockings away from a gaping wound in my leg. "Ya know," I say with a sleepy smile, still slightly woozy from blood loss. "If ya wanted my pants off you could have just asked." Bones looks up at me and a grin spreads across his face.

"Corin! You're awake!"

"In the flesh and," I glance down at my leg, which I now see has a large chunk of rock in it, and grimace. "Blood." There is a long pause because of my choice of words. "So where are the others?" I ask, both out of curiosity and the need to lighten the mood. Then I realize I don't recognize my surroundings. "On second thought where are we?"

Bones sighs. "I can answer both questions at once," then he launches into a long discussion about how after I fell unconscious and Spock and Scotty moved the rubble of off me the Jags came in and started trying to keep us at bay. Luckily Spock figured out that their nervous systems were much like a human's and so he could neck-pinch them. As Scotty and Spock were fighting them off, Bones was trying to help me. He soon realized that if I didn't get help soon I would die of blood loss. After telling the other two this, Spock or as the Doctor put it the "too damn brave, green-blooded, hobgoblin" told McCoy and Scotty to pick me up and get me to safety and he would keep them off our tail. After both Scotty and McCoy tried to argue he convinced them by talking logic, again. He was the fastest as well as the strongest so he was more likely to get away. Scotty and McCoy took me to a place they found near a lake of dark purple water. McCoy started to treat my wounds, and Scotty went off in search of Spock. Neither have come back. After hearing this, I gasp and try to stand, only to find I fall right back down again.

"Oh yeah..." Bones says sheepishly. "There's one more thing..."

"Bones," I say threateningly.

He sighs and says, all in one breath, "Bothofyourlegswerebrokenaswellasyourarmintheimpactanddependingonhowtheyhealyoumightnoteverwalkagain."

I sigh and lay back down. This might be a problem.

Hello my lovely readers. Wait! Wait! Don't come at me with phasers set to kill yet! I will update soon! Don't worry! Haha anyways, don't forget to comment! Every one I see makes me smile. Thanks! Live Long and Prosper peeps!

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