Chapter 13

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Corin's POV

I blink my eyes open then immediately slam them shut with a groan. If you'll pardon my French, my head hurts like hell. I groan again, snuggling closer to the warm body spooning mine, trying desperately to get back to my pain-free sleep. Wait, back up. My eyes shoot open and I freeze as I realize, there's someone else in my bed. I look around and rephrase the thought: I'm not in my own bed. I turn around quietly, careful not to wake the person up, to see who has their strong arms around my waist and is snoring softly into my hair. I let out a little breath of relief seeing it's Scotty, not some random Ensign my drunk self was conned into going home with. I settle back down next to him, figuring one night sleeping next to my favorite engineer can't hurt. Sadly, my hangover has other ideas. I jump up and run to the bathroom just in time to lose what little solid food I had in me to the toilet. My hurried motions and retching rouse Scotty. I see him sit up groggily, then, seeing me, jump up and run to hold my hair for me.

He shakes his head saying, "I knew ya'd 'ave a 'ell of a hangover, Lass."

I nod and a few tears silently slip down my cheeks. Throwing up is my least favorite way to be sick. I'd prefer the flu with a high fever, so long as I didn't throw up.

I sit back on my heels, done retching for the time being, and Scotty pulls me into a warm, strong hug, rubbing soothing circles on my back.

"Can we see if Bones has anything for this?" I finally mumble feebly into his shoulder.

"Sure, Lass. I'll go make ya a li'l trash bucket in case ya need ta throw up again on our way ta Sick Bay."

"Sounds like you've had experience with hung-over girls." I say, attempting a weak joke.

He chuckles and says, "Actually, Lass, you're ma first."

I look up at him, disbelief clear in my deep blue eyes.

"What about your other girlfriends?" I ask.

He ducks his head as he prepares the trash can and gently corrects me. "Girlfriend, Lass. I've only 'ad one an' tha' didnae work ou' awll tha' well. Mira ended up takin' off, leavin' me with nothin' bu' a farewell note... I' took me a good while ta ge' over 'er..." He trails off, obviously thinking about his lost love. He shakes his head, as if to clear it. "Bu' tha's awll in the past now. Now, ma only lass is the Enterprise." Then-so quietly that had I not had partly Vulcan ears I never would have heard it-he mumbles, "'Cept maybe fer you." This brings a slight smile to my lips as he helps me up and hands me the small trash bin. I gratefully take it from him and we walk in silence out of his room.

About halfway there I get an idea. I slowly reach out and take Scotty's hand. He stiffens slightly but I continue walking like nothing happened and he calms down, slowly lacing his fingers with mine. I am so happy just walking along side him. He catches me looking at him and we lock eyes for a second. I smile a little wider and am about to say something but, once again, last night's stupid spiked punch has other plans. I pull my hand away to hold the trash bucket as I throw up again. Stupid hangover. Stupid spiked punch. Stupid cadet that spiked the punch. Once I'm done I sigh and drop my head down. I hate this sooooo much. I feel a warm hand slip into mine and I look up at Scotty, thanking him with my expression as well as my words.

"You know you didn't have to do this Scotty. Take care of me and be so sweet I mean."

He looks at me out of the corner of his eye. "Yer ma best friend, Lass. I couldnae jus' le' ya suffer. I've seen wha' hangovers do ta grown men, I couldnae le' ya go through i' alone."

"Scotty," I ask. "Was it you who brought me into your room last night?"

His cheeks turn pink and he scratches the back of his neck as he replies, "Uh ya, aboot tha'. I was goin' ta take ya back ta your room but I forgo' where i' was. I was a might bit drunk meself. Awlso, Rocky stayed the nigh' a' Pavel's so when ya woke up ya woulda been alone so I brough' ya in with me. I 'ope ya don' mind."

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