Chapter 2

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Dr. McCoy's POV

I go to the Sick Bay expecting for that new nurse to be late as usual and find her standing there waiting for me. Her back is turned and I try and think about why Jim said she was cute yesterday. I suppose she had nice hair.... and she is okay looking... no. I won't think like that about an annoying nurse that looks like my ex wife. I watch her as she finally realizes I'm here and slowly turns around, jumping at the sight of me. "Oh! Doctor! I'm sorry! I didn't see you there!"

"It's fine," I say shortly and turn to unlock the door. She hurries to catch up with me.

"I'm not late, Doctor," she says.

"No," I reply flatly. She hangs her head.

"I'll get to my post now." She scurries off as if I scolded her again. I sigh and turn back to the paperwork piled on my desk. Well here goes nothing...

Nurse Chandler's POV

Once my shift is over I go down to engineering to see Scotty, simply because I have nothing else to do. "'Ello lass. I'm a bi' busy now. Be there in a sec," Scotty's voice rings from inside a tube next to the doorway, making me jump.

"Oh, never mind. I'll be in our usual rec room when you get off," I say and walk out. I go to the rec room and sit down. Maybe I'll read. I plug in the chip for a technical journal and sit down to read. A while later I feel a tap on my shoulder and nearly fall out of my chair.

"Yer mighty jumpy today lass," Scotty says next to my ear. "Technical journal eh? A girl o me own 'eart."

I laugh and say "But of course my dear Mr. Scott!" Just then I look up to see the captain here. Thoroughly drunk. "When did he get here?" I whisper frantically to Scotty.

"I dinnae kin! I jus' go' 'ere!" he whispers back.

"Let's go before he sees me!"

Just as I stand up he sees me. "Oh no," I whisper to Scotty.

"Well Mr. Scott have you finally tamed the 'oh so proper' beast?"

"M-me sir?" Scotty stammers in surprise. "No I 'aven't sir."

"Then I may try!" he wraps and arm around me and says "Hello there," with a cheeky smile.

"H-hi sir," I stammer. I hear a noise behind him and look back. Thank goodness. Mr. Spock is here.

"Captain, I believe you are quite intoxicated," he says, leading Kirk to say "Who me? Why of course!"

Mr. Spock gently unwraps the captain's arm from around my waist and ushers the captain to bed. For which I was very greatful. I must remember to thank him at some point. I looked at the clock and realized how late it was. I stretch and yawn. "Ye look tired Lassy," Scotty points out. "I'll walk ya to yer quarters."

"Thanks Scotty," I say sleepily. We walk back and say goodbye. I fall asleep before my head hits the pillow.

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